Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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The presentation of an episode from Osamu Tezuka's immense Phoenix saga, produced over the course of his career, will provide an opportunity to read and see a certain conception of metamorphosis, of the forms taken by life, and of comics as the narrative and graphic expression of this permanent interplay of forms.

Tristan Garcia

Tristan Garcia, born in Toulouse in 1981, is a lecturer in philosophy at Lyon-3 University. He is the author of several essays, including L'Image (Atlande, 2008), Forme et objet. Un traité des choses (PUF, 2011) and Kaléidoscope (Léo Scheer, 2018), as well as novels published by Gallimard.


Tristan Garcia