Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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The first part of the diptych she forms with " Are You My Mother? ", " Fun Home " by Alison Bechdel is one of the world's most recognized autobiographical comics. In it, the American author questions the circumstances surrounding the death of her father, a closeted homosexual suffocated by his efforts to conform to the conventions of rural Pennsylvania, where he spent his entire life. While investigating his accidental death, which she interprets as a suicide, Bechdel recounts the discovery of her own homosexuality and the emergence of her artistic identity. Historically linked to theunderground, the autobiographical genre in American comics is largely concerned with the relationship with the margins. By adding queer issues to the intimate themes of family, mourning and sexuality, " Fun Home " belongs on the bangs of the bangs - - which has not prevented the album from receiving rare public and critical acclaim. The talk will focus on how the work seizes on the autobiographical device to bring out a multiple voice, woven of the unspeakable and the unspeakable, supported by an aesthetic that is both modest and deeply embodied.

Elsa Caboche

Elsa Caboche

A graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure and a doctorate in Comparative Literatures, Elsa Caboche defended a thesis in 2017 entitled " Fictions-mondes : les univers inventés dans des œuvres métafictionnelles en littérature et en bande dessinée ". She has taught comics theory at the universities of Poitiers and Nancy, as well as at the École Européenne Supérieure de l'Image in Angoulême. Initially focusing on metafiction, her research later turned to cultural studies, and more specifically the articulation of comics and gender issues.


Elsa Caboche