Libraries and archives

The Collège de France boasts a rich documentary network comprising an archive, twelve specialized libraries and a number of cross-disciplinary missions.


The Collège de France has a rich documentary network comprising an archives service, twelve specialized libraries and transversal missions (PEB, bibliometrics and online resources, etc.). It also boasts a collection of scientific instruments and works of art. The Department of Libraries, Archives and Collections (DBAC) coordinates this collection and supports or pilots projects for digitization, exhibitions, modernization of research tools, open science, and partnerships with other institutions : Archives nationales, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Bibliothèque de Taiwan, Musée du Louvre, Ville de Montgeron, etc.

It runs a research notebook called Colligere to present the collections and encourage research on the holdings. It is the contact point for national and international documentation and archive bodies (ministries and supervisory departments, Agence Bibliographique de l'Enseignement Supérieur for the Sudoc and Calames networks, Archives Nationales for the Portail France Archives, etc.). It examines library, archival and museum issues, and places its expertise at the service of the institution.

Libraries and departments are spread over two sites: 11, place Marcelin-Berthelot for the heritage library, the museum collection, the research services and online resources department, and the archives service, 52, rue du Cardinal-Lemoine for libraries specialized in the humanities and social sciences, grouped into four poles with research chairs and teams within the Institut des civilisations.


Contact the Collège de France Libraries and Archives