The Ottoman Studies Library offers 20,000 printed books and 40 journal titles, as well as online books, databases and encyclopedias on the history of the Ottoman Empire, in particular from the capture of Constantinople (1453) to the beginnings of the administrative reforms of the 19th century (Tanzimat). It also makes available to the public the collections bequeathed by Louis Massignon, Jean Sauvaget, Henri Laoust, Régis Blachère, Jacques Berque, Stéphane Yerasimos and Claude Cahen, devoted to Arab-Islamic civilization from the origins of Islam to the contemporary period.
The library subscribes to 40 print and online journals, including Turcica, Belleten, Arabica, Studia islamica, Journal of Arabic Literature, Annales de l'Institut d'études orientales de la Faculté d'Alger and Revue du monde musulman.
In October 2022, the library was awarded the " CollEx-collectionsd'excellence " label by the Collex-Persée scientific interest group. This label identifies research-level holdings that are remarkable for their scope and originality, and enables the labeled library to be associated with national projects for mapping and digitizing holdings, or to participate in calls for projects involving researchers.