Doctoral training

Collège de France does not issue doctoral degrees, nor is it a member of a doctoral school. It does, however, offer doctoral students a program for validating lectures given at the Collège de France, subject to the existence of an agreement with their doctoral school.

Partnership with doctoral schools

In 2006, the Collège de France introduced a simple procedure enabling doctoral schools to validate their doctoral students' attendance at lectures given by Collège de France professors as part of their thesis curriculum.

Collège de France lectures are given by the institution's professors in the form of courses, seminars and colloquia, the full list of which for each academic year is available on the Collège de France website( and

Agreements with doctoral schools enable students to validate the lectures of their choice from among the lectures and seminars organized throughout the year by all the Chairs. The lectures are different each year, and can therefore be taken several years in a row.

The registration procedure is detailed below.

For further information, please contact :

 Marie-Émilie Lefebvre
Head of Lectures
Lectures and Audience Development Department
Department of Lectures, International Relations and Partnerships

A monthly newsletter is sent to doctoral school correspondents to keep them up to date with lectures at the Collège de France.

Procedure for welcoming doctoral students to the Collège de France

Step 1

Students must first check with their doctoral school :

  1. an agreement has been signed between the doctoral school and Collège de France ;
  2. that attendance at the selected lecture will be validated as a teaching unit.

Doctoral schools wishing to sign an agreement with Collège de France can do so by contacting the corresponding ED. A standard agreement is available, which can be signed by electronic means.

Step 2

The student pre-registers using the following electronic form :, which generates a certificate of registration and attendance form, a copy of which is sent to the head of the doctoral school, the student and Collège de France.

The doctoral school confirms that the student is eligible for the program, by endorsing the attestation/attendance sheet.

Step 3

Students are responsible for ensuring that they attend lectures, and must have the Collège de France professor sign the attestation/attendance sheet for each lecture, seminar or colloquium session.

Step 4

At the end of the lectures, the student submits the attestation/attendance form to his/her doctoral school, which validates it according to its own procedures.

The student is solely responsible for his or her attendance record and for forwarding it to the doctoral school's secretariat for validation as a teaching unit.