Man in smock behind empty frame


DRPD's Bibliometrics and Research Services department is responsible for issues relating to open science, research data management, evaluation and bibliography.

The librarians offer a wide range of services to researchers at the Collège de France:

  • Training in databases providing tools for tracking, analyzing and visualizing research results, such as WOS, Scopus, etc.
  • Training in bibliographic reference management software such as Zotero,
  • Support for the management of researcher identifiers such as ORCID,
  • Help with managing and depositing data in open archives such as HAL,
  • Support for the development of data management plans.
  • Bibliometric analyses of their scientific production.
  • Support in assigning DOIs (articles, book chapters, research data)
  • Support for the drafting of bibliographic style sheets.

They also write and publish regularly updated tutorials, memos and posts on a variety of subjects on Colligere, the research notebook for libraries and archives, and on the institution's website.

In addition, they administer the institution's HAL portal, work with researchers on the institutional bibliography of Collège de France publications, Ramus, act as correspondents for the ORCID - France (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) consortium, and collect data for various national surveys, such as IPERU.

Always attentive to the evolution of research services and the promotion of Open Access to scientific and technical information, the department is part of the national drive to promote open science, and is constantly updated on developments in these areas.

Illustration: Photograph of Jean Jacques, deputy director of the organic hormone chemistry laboratory, holding a frame in front of a bench.


  • Collège de France
    11 place Marcelin Berthelot
    75231 PARIS CEDEX 05