Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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In 1975, Claire Bretécher self-published Les Frustrés. After working for L'Os à moelle, Spirou, Record and Tintin, Bretécher gained notoriety in the pages of Pilote, then, with Marcel Gotlib and Nikita Mandryka, founded the magazine L'Écho des savanes (1972), a milestone in the emancipation of French comics from the gangue of childhood. From 1973 onwards, however, it was in Le Nouvel Observateur that Bretécher established the originality of her vision and style. A merciless observer of the failings of her time, Bretécher mocks the failings of the left-wing intelligentsia, its commitments and contradictions : her paper theater is a formidable mirror of the contradictions of French society during the Glorious Thirties .

By self-publishing, Bretécher took another decisive step in the artistic affirmation of the comic strip. Bretécher's album is therefore a good observatory of the tensions in the comics market of the 1970s, and of the shift in the center of gravity from magazines to albums. Claire Bretécher, an artist who was celebrated early on, also provides an opportunity to observe the difficulties of documenting the careers of female comic strip authors.

Sylvain Lesage

Photo by Sylvain Lesage

Sylvain Lesage is a lecturer in history at the University of Lille, and a researcher at IRHiS. His research focuses on the history of books, publishing and reading, media history and visual history. He recently published Publier la bande dessinée. Les éditeurs franco-belges et l'album (Presses de l'ENSSIB, 2018), L'Effet livre. Métamorphoses de la bande dessinée (Presses universitaires François Rabelais, 2019) as well as Ninth Art. Bande dessinée, book publishing and the transformation of French mass culture, 1964-1975 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022). Sylvain Lesage is also editor-in-chief of the magazine Neuvième Art , published by the Cité internationale de la bande dessinée d'Angoulême, alongside Irène Le Roy Ladurie.


Sylvain Lesage