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PAUSE : Programme d'Aide à l'accueil en Urgence des Scientifiques en Exil Collège de France Published on 3 March 2017 Daressy : a scholar, an archive. Exhibition at the Collège de France from March 6 Nicolas Grimal, chair Pharaonic civilization : Archaeology, Philology, History Published on 28 February 2017 February 22: Les rendez-vous de l'actualité at the Arab World Institute Collège de France Published on 15 February 2017 Agreement signed to launch a program to help exiled scientists find a new home Collège de France Published on 16 January 2017 Collège de France wishes you a happy new year 2017 Collège de France Published on 3 January 2017 Tribute to Pierre Boulez Pierre Boulez, chair Invention, technique and language in music Published on 27 November 2016 Tribute to Yves Bonnefoy Yves Bonnefoy, chair Comparative studies of the poetic function Published on 27 November 2016 Welcome program launched for scientists at risk Collège de France Published on 17 October 2016 Migration, refugees, exile Collège de France Published on 1 October 2016 Tribute to Jean-Christophe Yoccoz Jean-Christophe Yoccoz, chair Differential equations and dynamic systems Published on 5 September 2016 François Jacob Day. September 20, 2016 Collège de France Published on 31 August 2016 European Heritage Days 2016 at the Collège de France, September 17 and 18 Collège de France Published on 16 August 2016 (29/07/2016) Opening symposium 2016. Migrations, refugees, exile. October 12-13-14, 2016 Collège de France Published on 29 July 2016 July-August 2016: changes to public opening hours at the Marcelin Berthelot site Collège de France Published on 8 July 2016 Collège de France professors on France Inter's Chercheurs d'avenir programme Collège de France Published on 4 July 2016 [04/07/2016] Collège de France opening lectures on France Culture Collège de France Published on 4 July 2016 [06/28/2016] Inauguration of renovated biology laboratories on the Marcelin Berthelot site Collège de France Published on 28 June 2016 Anish Kapoor's major lecture Collège de France Published on 23 June 2016 (06/17/2016) CNRS Innovation Medal 2016: Marin Dacos, director of the Center for Open Electronic Publishing Collège de France Published on 17 June 2016 (3/06/2016) France Culture: Marin Dacos, Director of Cléo. The Collège de France Publishing Department Collège de France Published on 3 June 2016 How should today's society support scientific research ? Collège de France Published on 18 April 2016 The brain " plastic " : one organ, many functions - March 16 Collège de France Published on 2 March 2016 Collège de France lectures in Tunisia. P. Sansonetti (February 9-10-11) Collège de France Published on 27 January 2016 We need to rethink and strengthen the French National Research Agency [Opinion piece] Collège de France Published on 12 January 2016 Appeal by 72 Nobel Prize winners on climate change. Meeting between Prof. Serge Haroche, Prof. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and the President of the French Republic Collège de France Published on 8 December 2015 Agathe Chaigne, winner of the " Le Monde de la recherche universitaire 2015 prize " Collège de France Published on 1 December 2015 " With Roland Barthes " 2ᵉ day - Information Collège de France Published on 16 November 2015 Administrator's statement following the attacks on Friday, November 13, 2015 Collège de France Published on 15 November 2015 Collège de France lectures in Tunisia 2015-2016 Collège de France Published on 30 October 2015 3ᵉ Journée Bio & Math sur la Montagne - November 3, 2015 Collège de France Published on 22 October 2015 Climate, energy and society: the Collège de France and COP21. Colloquium organized by Edouard Bard in the presence of Monsieur François Hollande, President of the Republic. November 9, 2015. Collège de France Published on 20 October 2015 Opening symposium - October 15 and 16 Collège de France Published on 13 October 2015 Collège de France posters produced between the 17th and 19th centuries Collège de France Published on 13 October 2015 COP21, three symposia at the Collège de France Collège de France Published on 7 October 2015 september 19 and 20 - Exhibition dedicated to the " dialogue of civilizations" Collège de France Published on 9 September 2015 European Heritage Days 2015 at the Collège de France Collège de France Published on 21 July 2015 Le Collège de France Five centuries of free research. Editions Gallimard/Collège de France, 2015. Collège de France Published on 26 June 2015 "They say that...". The Zoroastrian and Manichaean religious controversy". Colloquium June 12-13, 2015 Collège de France Published on 28 May 2015 Understanding and controlling the electronic properties of transition metal oxides: a physicist's perspective - June 3, 2015 Collège de France Published on 27 May 2015 Round table on the occasion of the publication by Gallimard of the book - Le Collège de France. Five centuries of free research. May 27, 2015 at 6 pm. Collège de France Published on 26 May 2015 Collège de France in Croatia Collège de France Published on 26 May 2015 Lecture by Catherine Soussloff at the Canadian Cultural Centre. A painter's painter - Chaïm Soutine (1894-1943). May 20, 2015. Collège de France Published on 13 May 2015 Round-table discussion for the release of the book on the history of the Collège de France - May 27, 2015 Collège de France Published on 5 May 2015 Prof. Hubert H. Girault. Lecture May 4, 2015. Redox Catalysis for Water Splitting and CO2 Reduction Collège de France Published on 10 April 2015 Collège Belgique welcomes Collège de France Collège de France Published on 3 April 2015 Institut de chimie - Prof. O'Halloran's lectures (March 26 and 30) Collège de France Published on 11 March 2015 Regenerative Medicine Strategies... Pr Shoichet, March 19, 2015 Collège de France Published on 26 February 2015 Pagination First page Previous page … Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Current page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Next page Last page
Press release dated March 2. PAUSE : Programme d'Aide à l'accueil en Urgence des Scientifiques en Exil Collège de France Published on 3 March 2017
Daressy : a scholar, an archive. Exhibition at the Collège de France from March 6 Nicolas Grimal, chair Pharaonic civilization : Archaeology, Philology, History Published on 28 February 2017
February 22: Les rendez-vous de l'actualité at the Arab World Institute Collège de France Published on 15 February 2017
Agreement signed to launch a program to help exiled scientists find a new home Collège de France Published on 16 January 2017
Tribute to Pierre Boulez Pierre Boulez, chair Invention, technique and language in music Published on 27 November 2016
Tribute to Yves Bonnefoy Yves Bonnefoy, chair Comparative studies of the poetic function Published on 27 November 2016
Tribute to Jean-Christophe Yoccoz Jean-Christophe Yoccoz, chair Differential equations and dynamic systems Published on 5 September 2016
European Heritage Days 2016 at the Collège de France, September 17 and 18 Collège de France Published on 16 August 2016
(29/07/2016) Opening symposium 2016. Migrations, refugees, exile. October 12-13-14, 2016 Collège de France Published on 29 July 2016
July-August 2016: changes to public opening hours at the Marcelin Berthelot site Collège de France Published on 8 July 2016
Collège de France professors on France Inter's Chercheurs d'avenir programme Collège de France Published on 4 July 2016
[04/07/2016] Collège de France opening lectures on France Culture Collège de France Published on 4 July 2016
[06/28/2016] Inauguration of renovated biology laboratories on the Marcelin Berthelot site Collège de France Published on 28 June 2016
(06/17/2016) CNRS Innovation Medal 2016: Marin Dacos, director of the Center for Open Electronic Publishing Collège de France Published on 17 June 2016
(3/06/2016) France Culture: Marin Dacos, Director of Cléo. The Collège de France Publishing Department Collège de France Published on 3 June 2016
How should today's society support scientific research ? Collège de France Published on 18 April 2016
The brain " plastic " : one organ, many functions - March 16 Collège de France Published on 2 March 2016
Collège de France lectures in Tunisia. P. Sansonetti (February 9-10-11) Collège de France Published on 27 January 2016
We need to rethink and strengthen the French National Research Agency [Opinion piece] Collège de France Published on 12 January 2016
Appeal by 72 Nobel Prize winners on climate change. Meeting between Prof. Serge Haroche, Prof. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and the President of the French Republic Collège de France Published on 8 December 2015
Agathe Chaigne, winner of the " Le Monde de la recherche universitaire 2015 prize " Collège de France Published on 1 December 2015
Administrator's statement following the attacks on Friday, November 13, 2015 Collège de France Published on 15 November 2015
3ᵉ Journée Bio & Math sur la Montagne - November 3, 2015 Collège de France Published on 22 October 2015
Climate, energy and society: the Collège de France and COP21. Colloquium organized by Edouard Bard in the presence of Monsieur François Hollande, President of the Republic. November 9, 2015. Collège de France Published on 20 October 2015
Collège de France posters produced between the 17th and 19th centuries Collège de France Published on 13 October 2015
september 19 and 20 - Exhibition dedicated to the " dialogue of civilizations" Collège de France Published on 9 September 2015
Le Collège de France Five centuries of free research. Editions Gallimard/Collège de France, 2015. Collège de France Published on 26 June 2015
"They say that...". The Zoroastrian and Manichaean religious controversy". Colloquium June 12-13, 2015 Collège de France Published on 28 May 2015
Understanding and controlling the electronic properties of transition metal oxides: a physicist's perspective - June 3, 2015 Collège de France Published on 27 May 2015
Round table on the occasion of the publication by Gallimard of the book - Le Collège de France. Five centuries of free research. May 27, 2015 at 6 pm. Collège de France Published on 26 May 2015
Lecture by Catherine Soussloff at the Canadian Cultural Centre. A painter's painter - Chaïm Soutine (1894-1943). May 20, 2015. Collège de France Published on 13 May 2015
Round-table discussion for the release of the book on the history of the Collège de France - May 27, 2015 Collège de France Published on 5 May 2015
Prof. Hubert H. Girault. Lecture May 4, 2015. Redox Catalysis for Water Splitting and CO2 Reduction Collège de France Published on 10 April 2015
Institut de chimie - Prof. O'Halloran's lectures (March 26 and 30) Collège de France Published on 11 March 2015
Regenerative Medicine Strategies... Pr Shoichet, March 19, 2015 Collège de France Published on 26 February 2015