Published on 20 October 2017

October 25: Les rendez-vous de l'actualité at the Arab World Institute

In partnership with the Collège de France, France Culture, AFP and France Médias Monde, the Institut du Monde Arabe is launching a new event to decipher current affairs.

Connected to the flow of information, the Rendez-vous de l'actualité is a moment of deciphering, exchange and perspective for all, on the latest events in the Arab world. Set a few days before the event, the subject, question or event discussed will be drawn from the region's immediate news, to keep as close as possible to what's happening.

Next news event at the IMA Auditorium on Wednesday October 25, at 7pm (duration 1h30):

"The Kurdish question: what consequences after the vote for independence?"


Anthony Bellanger, journalist and international editorial columnist at Les Inrocks and France Inter.


Boris James, historian and researcher
Boris James is a researcher at the Institut Français du Proche-Orient, and former head of Ifpo's office in Erbil (Iraqi Kurdistan) 2014-2017. He is a historian specializing in Kurdish worlds. He studies history lectures in the Kurdistan region of Iraq and in various Kurdish nationalist movements in Syria, Iran and Turkey.

Cyril Roussel, geographer and researcher
Cyril Roussel, geographer, CNRS researcher, International Migrations, Spaces and Societies Laboratory - MIGRINTER, University of Poitiers. Since 1997, he has been working in the Middle East on the relationship between identity and territory, particularly in a community context (Druze in Syria, Kurds in Iraq and Syria), but also on the effects of limits and discontinuities (cultural borders) and on the different actors of regional migration in a Middle East in conflict (displaced persons, refugees, combatants, traffickers). He is particularly interested in the socio-spatial reconfigurations of border and community territories that the Middle East has undergone since the collapse of the Iraqi and Syrian states.

Oriane Verdier, correspondent in Erbil
Oriane Verdier is a freelance journalist based in Erbil since September 2015, correspondent for Radio France Internationale, Radio France, France 24, Libération and Radio Télévision Suisse. For these media,she is the author of several reports on internal socio-political issues in Iraqi Kurdistan as well as on the war against the Islamic State organization in Iraq. She is a graduate of the Toulouse School of Journalism.

The Rendez-vous de l'actualité in 2017

february 22, March 29, April 26, May 31, June 28, September 27, October 25, November 29 and December 20, 2017.