11:20 - 11:50

Why does an artist decide to donate drafts of his work ? What do these documents consist of in the case of a filmmaker ? Amos Gitaï's archives at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Stanford University, etc

Session " Memories, archives, pathways, representations : the family legacy "

Pierre-Marc De Biasi
Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all

Session chaired by : Amos Gitaï, architect and film-maker

Pierre-Marc de Biasi

Pierre-Marc de Biasi is an alumnus of ENS Saint-Cloud and ENSBA Paris, an agrégé and doctor, and a qualified research director at CNRS (ITEM: Institut des Textes et Manuscrits modernes). He is a member of the doctoral school at Paris 7 University, in charge of a research seminar at Paris 4-Sorbonne University, member of the editorial board and contributor to several journals(Magazine littéraire, Genesis, Cahiers de médiologie), and director of several literary and critical collections (Hachette Supérieur, Seuil, CNRS éditions). From 2001 to 2003, Pierre-Marc de Biasi was executive producer at France-Culture for the programs "le cercle des médiologues" (2001-2002) and "Lexique de l'actuel (2002-2003)". A specialist in literary genetics, he has written numerous theoretical texts on the analysis of modern manuscripts and the genesis of the work, the history of writing and new technologies, as well as several essays, editions or studies of Flaubert's texts and manuscripts: P.-M. de Biasi is also a specialist in the history of paper ("Pouvoirs du papier", Cahiers de médiologie n° 4, Gallimard, 1997; Le Devenir des papiers modernes, BNF, 1997; La Saga du papier, a film Théma Arte, 1999; an art book Adam Biro-Arte édition, 1999; an illustrated synthesis, Le papier, une aventure au quotidien, Gallimard, collection "Découvertes", 1999). Alongside his literary work, P.-M. de Biasi has published on art history and pursues creative research in the visual arts (painting, sculpture, installations). With some forty museum and gallery exhibitions since 1977, his works are included in over a hundred private and public collections in France, Europe, Japan and the USA. Since 1988, P.-M. de Biasi has created a number of sculptures and installations for Paris and other French cities (including Grenoble) as part of a public commission.


Pierre-Marc De Biasi

Director of Research (CNRS, ENS)