Nicolas Delalande is a professor at the Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po. His work focuses on the history of the state, social movements and political economy. His publications include Les Batailles de l'impôt. Consentement et résistances de 1789 à nos jours (Seuil, 2011), La Lutte et l'entraide. L'âge des solidarités ouvrières (Seuil, 2019) and co-edited, with Nicolas Barreyre, A World of Public Debts. A Political History (Palgrave MacMillan, 2020).
10:15 - 11:00am
Paul Leroy-Beaulieu, the anti-Marx ? Liberalism, statism and collectivism in the late 19th century
Marx the economist
Nicolas Delalande
10:15 - 11:00am