Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Emmanuel Jousse, agrégé and doctor in history, is a lecturer in contemporary history at the Institut d'études politiques de Lyon and a researcher at LARHRA. He is the author of Reviser le marxisme ? D'Édouard Bernstein à Albert Thomas (L'Harmattan, 2007) and Les Hommes révoltés. Les origines intellectuelles du réformisme en France (1871-1917) (Fayard, 2017). His research focuses on the history of intellectual circulations in labor and socialist movements, and on the development of social reform knowledge between France, Germany, the UK and Italy, from 1830 to 1930. Director of Cahiers Jaurès, member of the editorial boards of Mil neuf cent and 20 &  21. Revue d'histoire, he coordinated with Sarah al-Matary an issue of Mil neuf cent devoted to the languages of workers' internationalism (2021).


Emmanuel Jousse

Centre d'histoire de SciencesPo