Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Jacqueline Lalouette, agrégée d'histoire, is professor emeritus (univ. de Lille 3) and honorary senior member of the Institut universitaire de France. A pupil of Maurice Agulhon, she wrote her doctoral thesis cycle(Les débits de boissons en France. 1871-1919), defended in 1979, and her State thesis(Les mouvements de Libre Pensée en France. 1870-1940), defended in 1994, published with a chronological extension under the title La Libre Pensée en France. 1848-1940, preface by Maurice Agulhon (Albin Michel, 1997). After devoting her work to the history of the Libre Pensée, anticlericalism and secularism, Jacqueline Lalouette extended her research to the history of public statuary - Un peuple de statues. The sculpted celebration of great men. France (1801-2018) (Mare et Martin, 2018) ; Les Statues de la discorde (Passés/Composés, 2021) - and to the Republic : Les mots de 1848 (PUM, 2008) ; L'Identité républicaine de la France. Une expression, une mémoire, des principes (Fayard, 2023).


Jacqueline Lalouette

University of Lille-3