Historian and economist Ludovic Frobert is director of research at the CNRS (Triangle Laboratory, ENS-Lyon). Today, he works mainly on the 19th century in France, and more specifically on the birth of the first social movements(Les Canuts ou La démocratie turbulente, Lyon 1831-1834, Libel, 2017,2nd ed.) as well as on the rise of the first utopian socialisms. On these subjects, he recently published Des Républicains ou Le romanvrai des Raspail (Libel 2019), Vers l'égalité ? ou au-delà. Essai sur l'aube du socialisme (ENS-Editions, 2021) and Jules Leroux. D'une philosophie économique barbare (with Michael Drolet, Le bord de l'eau, 2022). Previously, he worked on the institutionalist and pragmatist tradition in economics, notably in its American versions with Albert O. Hirschman and John Kenneth Galliano. Hirschman or John Kenneth Galbraith, he published in September 2018 an article " François Perroux : Saint-Simon rather than Marx " in the journal French History.
12:00 - 12:45pm
François Perroux's " dialogue " with the work of Marx
Teachers "
Ludovic Frobert
12:00 - 12:45pm