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After training in Classics and Semitic languages at the University of Basel and the Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), René Bloch turned to the literature and history of ancient … People Serena Causo Doctoral student After graduating from the University of Salento (Italy) with a thesis on the socio-economic role of imperial estates in Roman Egypt, Serena Causo worked as a research assistant at the Papyrological Institute in Leiden, collaborating on the compilation of … People Patrick Suppes Professor at Stanford University, USA Invited by the Collège de France assembly at the suggestion of Pr Anne Fagot-Largeault. As a young man, Patrick Suppes served in the US Army during the Second World War, in Asia, in the meteorological services. His background in physics and mathematics … People Camille Michel ATER, Collège de France A doctoral student in law at the University of Orléans since 2021, Camille Michel is writing a thesis on " The role of non-governmental organizations in the implementation of international law in maritime spaces under national jurisdiction " under the … People Viresh H. Rawal University of Chicago Viresh Rawal was born in India, and at a young age immigrated with his family to the United States, settling in Connecticut. He received his BS degree from the University of Connecticut (1980) and his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania (1986) under … People Alban Guyomarc’h Doctoral Researcher, Collège de France A graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure and a doctoral student in law at the Université Paris Panthéon-Assas since 2021, Alban Guyomarc'h is writing a thesis on " Les activités spatiales au prisme du droit international privé " under the … People Cyril Letrouit Research Fellow, Orsay Mathematics Laboratory Cyril Letrouit is a research fellow at CNRS, where he was recruited in 2022. He works at the Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay. He defended his thesis under the supervision of Emmanuel Trélat and Yves Colin de Verdière in 2021, after studying at the … People Lisa Sauermann Professor, University of Bonn, Institute for Applied Mathematics Lisa Sauermann is a professor at the Mathematics Institute of the University of Bonn. She is a laureate of the Cours Peccot International for the year 2024-2025. Lisa Sauermann is a mathematics professor at the University of Bonn, working in extremal and … People Sébastien Lecommandoux Lecturer at the Organic Polymer Chemistry Laboratory Sébastien Lecommandoux is Professor at Bordeaux INP and Director of the Organic Polymer Chemistry Laboratory (LCPO, UMR CNRS 5629). Since 2020, he has also been Editor-in-Chief of the leading scientific journal Biomacromolecules (ACS). He heads the … People Franck Courchamp Ecologist and researcher at the Laboratoire d'Écologie Systématique & Évolution Franck Courchamp is Director of Research 1 st Class at the CNRS, National Institute of Ecology and Environment. At Université Paris Saclay, he heads a research team focusing on biodiversity dynamics and the impact of human activities on ecosystems and … People Thierry Coquand Professor of Computer Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden After studying at the École normale supérieure in Paris, Thierry Coquand obtained his PhD in theoretical computer science in 1985, introducing construction theory, a formalism used in several proof assistant systems. Since 1996, he has been Professor of … People François-Marie Bréon Researcher at the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement François-Marie Bréon, born in 1965, is an alumnus of the École normale supérieure. He defended his thesis in 1989 at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie on the use of space observations to measure temperature and humidity profiles in the atmosphere, with … People Wajdi Mouawad Director of La Colline theater Wajdi Mouawad grew up in Lebanon, became a teenager in Paris and a young adult in Quebec. A 1991 graduate of Canada's National School of Dramatic Arts, he has adapted and directed contemporary and classical plays, as well as his own texts. Artistic … People Nathalie Bajos Director of Research, Inserm - Director of Studies, EHESS Nathalie Bajos, sociologist and demographer, is Director of Research at Inserm and Director of Studies at EHESS. She works at the Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les enjeux Sociaux - Sciences sociales, politique, santé (INSERM-CNRS-EHESS). … People Thierry Pozzo Professor Emeritus, University of Burgundy Thierry Pozzo is Professor Emeritus at the University of Burgundy and Honorary Member of the Institut Universitaire de France. His research, conducted within INSERM Unit 1093 Cognition-Action and Brain Plasticity, takes into account recent advances in … People Georges Cuvier Professor at the Collège de France Jean Léopold Nicolas Frédéric Cuvier, known as Georges Cuvier, was born on August 23 1769 in Montbéliard, into a Protestant petty bourgeois family. In 1795, Cuvier moved to Paris to work at the Natural History Museum. In 1802, he was appointed Professor … People Sonja Dobkowitz Researcher, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) Dr. Sonja Dobkowitz is a researcher at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) in Berlin. She explores how social and economic factors, such as income inequality, demand, or innovation, influence and shape effective climate policies. A … People Michael Jung Distinguished Professor and the Walter and Shirley Wang Chair in Medicinal Drug Discovery, UCLA Michael Jung received his BA in 1969 from Rice University and his PhD in 1973 from Columbia University, where he worked with Gilbert Stork as an NSF Fellow. After a one-year NATO postdoctoral fellowship with Albert Eschenmoser at the ETH in Zurich, he … People Paul Paradis Professor at the Collège de France Paul Paradis (date of birth unknown) is a descendant of the Jewish Meshulam family, known in Venice by the nickname " Del Banco ". He converted to Catholicism in 1528, adopting the name of his godfather Lodovico Canossa, ambassador to the King of France … People Niek Veldhuis Professor of Assyriology, UC Berkeley Niek Veldhuis studied Semitic Languages under H.L.J. Vanstiphout in Groningen (The Netherlands), where he received his doctorate with the dissertation Elementary Education at Nippur: The Lists of Trees and Wooden Objects (1997). In 1998-1999 he spent two … People Arsène d’Arsonval Professor at the Collège de France Born in 1851 in La Porcherie, Haute-Vienne, Arsène d'Arsonval came from a family of doctors. First a high school student in Limoges, then at the Collège Sainte-Barbe, it was as a medical student that he attended Claude Bernard's lecture, where he made a … People Claude Bernard Professor at the Collège de France The son of a winegrower, Claude Bernard was born in Saint-Julien-en-Beaujolais (Rhône) in 1813. Starting out as a pharmacy assistant in Lyon and author of an unsuccessful play, he moved to Paris in 1832, where he attended lectures at the École de Médecine … People Daisy Delogu Professor of French Literature, University of Chicago Professor of French Literature, University of Chicago. (photo credit : Erielle Bakkum) … People Karl-Oskar Lindgren Professor of Political Science, Uppsala University Karl-Oskar Lindgren is a Professor and Deputy Head of the Department of Government at Uppsala University. His research interests include political participation and representation, democratic theory, EU politics, and education policies. He is the … Pagination First page Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 … Next page Last page
People René Bloch University of Bern René Bloch is Professor of Jewish Studies at the University of Berne. After training in Classics and Semitic languages at the University of Basel and the Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), René Bloch turned to the literature and history of ancient …
People Serena Causo Doctoral student After graduating from the University of Salento (Italy) with a thesis on the socio-economic role of imperial estates in Roman Egypt, Serena Causo worked as a research assistant at the Papyrological Institute in Leiden, collaborating on the compilation of …
People Patrick Suppes Professor at Stanford University, USA Invited by the Collège de France assembly at the suggestion of Pr Anne Fagot-Largeault. As a young man, Patrick Suppes served in the US Army during the Second World War, in Asia, in the meteorological services. His background in physics and mathematics …
People Camille Michel ATER, Collège de France A doctoral student in law at the University of Orléans since 2021, Camille Michel is writing a thesis on " The role of non-governmental organizations in the implementation of international law in maritime spaces under national jurisdiction " under the …
People Viresh H. Rawal University of Chicago Viresh Rawal was born in India, and at a young age immigrated with his family to the United States, settling in Connecticut. He received his BS degree from the University of Connecticut (1980) and his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania (1986) under …
People Alban Guyomarc’h Doctoral Researcher, Collège de France A graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure and a doctoral student in law at the Université Paris Panthéon-Assas since 2021, Alban Guyomarc'h is writing a thesis on " Les activités spatiales au prisme du droit international privé " under the …
People Cyril Letrouit Research Fellow, Orsay Mathematics Laboratory Cyril Letrouit is a research fellow at CNRS, where he was recruited in 2022. He works at the Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay. He defended his thesis under the supervision of Emmanuel Trélat and Yves Colin de Verdière in 2021, after studying at the …
People Lisa Sauermann Professor, University of Bonn, Institute for Applied Mathematics Lisa Sauermann is a professor at the Mathematics Institute of the University of Bonn. She is a laureate of the Cours Peccot International for the year 2024-2025. Lisa Sauermann is a mathematics professor at the University of Bonn, working in extremal and …
People Sébastien Lecommandoux Lecturer at the Organic Polymer Chemistry Laboratory Sébastien Lecommandoux is Professor at Bordeaux INP and Director of the Organic Polymer Chemistry Laboratory (LCPO, UMR CNRS 5629). Since 2020, he has also been Editor-in-Chief of the leading scientific journal Biomacromolecules (ACS). He heads the …
People Franck Courchamp Ecologist and researcher at the Laboratoire d'Écologie Systématique & Évolution Franck Courchamp is Director of Research 1 st Class at the CNRS, National Institute of Ecology and Environment. At Université Paris Saclay, he heads a research team focusing on biodiversity dynamics and the impact of human activities on ecosystems and …
People Thierry Coquand Professor of Computer Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden After studying at the École normale supérieure in Paris, Thierry Coquand obtained his PhD in theoretical computer science in 1985, introducing construction theory, a formalism used in several proof assistant systems. Since 1996, he has been Professor of …
People François-Marie Bréon Researcher at the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement François-Marie Bréon, born in 1965, is an alumnus of the École normale supérieure. He defended his thesis in 1989 at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie on the use of space observations to measure temperature and humidity profiles in the atmosphere, with …
People Wajdi Mouawad Director of La Colline theater Wajdi Mouawad grew up in Lebanon, became a teenager in Paris and a young adult in Quebec. A 1991 graduate of Canada's National School of Dramatic Arts, he has adapted and directed contemporary and classical plays, as well as his own texts. Artistic …
People Nathalie Bajos Director of Research, Inserm - Director of Studies, EHESS Nathalie Bajos, sociologist and demographer, is Director of Research at Inserm and Director of Studies at EHESS. She works at the Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les enjeux Sociaux - Sciences sociales, politique, santé (INSERM-CNRS-EHESS). …
People Thierry Pozzo Professor Emeritus, University of Burgundy Thierry Pozzo is Professor Emeritus at the University of Burgundy and Honorary Member of the Institut Universitaire de France. His research, conducted within INSERM Unit 1093 Cognition-Action and Brain Plasticity, takes into account recent advances in …
People Georges Cuvier Professor at the Collège de France Jean Léopold Nicolas Frédéric Cuvier, known as Georges Cuvier, was born on August 23 1769 in Montbéliard, into a Protestant petty bourgeois family. In 1795, Cuvier moved to Paris to work at the Natural History Museum. In 1802, he was appointed Professor …
People Sonja Dobkowitz Researcher, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) Dr. Sonja Dobkowitz is a researcher at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) in Berlin. She explores how social and economic factors, such as income inequality, demand, or innovation, influence and shape effective climate policies. A …
People Michael Jung Distinguished Professor and the Walter and Shirley Wang Chair in Medicinal Drug Discovery, UCLA Michael Jung received his BA in 1969 from Rice University and his PhD in 1973 from Columbia University, where he worked with Gilbert Stork as an NSF Fellow. After a one-year NATO postdoctoral fellowship with Albert Eschenmoser at the ETH in Zurich, he …
People Paul Paradis Professor at the Collège de France Paul Paradis (date of birth unknown) is a descendant of the Jewish Meshulam family, known in Venice by the nickname " Del Banco ". He converted to Catholicism in 1528, adopting the name of his godfather Lodovico Canossa, ambassador to the King of France …
People Niek Veldhuis Professor of Assyriology, UC Berkeley Niek Veldhuis studied Semitic Languages under H.L.J. Vanstiphout in Groningen (The Netherlands), where he received his doctorate with the dissertation Elementary Education at Nippur: The Lists of Trees and Wooden Objects (1997). In 1998-1999 he spent two …
People Arsène d’Arsonval Professor at the Collège de France Born in 1851 in La Porcherie, Haute-Vienne, Arsène d'Arsonval came from a family of doctors. First a high school student in Limoges, then at the Collège Sainte-Barbe, it was as a medical student that he attended Claude Bernard's lecture, where he made a …
People Claude Bernard Professor at the Collège de France The son of a winegrower, Claude Bernard was born in Saint-Julien-en-Beaujolais (Rhône) in 1813. Starting out as a pharmacy assistant in Lyon and author of an unsuccessful play, he moved to Paris in 1832, where he attended lectures at the École de Médecine …
People Daisy Delogu Professor of French Literature, University of Chicago Professor of French Literature, University of Chicago. (photo credit : Erielle Bakkum) …
People Karl-Oskar Lindgren Professor of Political Science, Uppsala University Karl-Oskar Lindgren is a Professor and Deputy Head of the Department of Government at Uppsala University. His research interests include political participation and representation, democratic theory, EU politics, and education policies. He is the …