Gabriel Darriulat holds a doctorate in philosophy from Sorbonne University, with a thesis entitled " La décision majoritaire dans la philosophie de Condorcet ". A specialist in political philosophy in the Age of Enlightenment, his research focuses on voting theory, republicanism, human rights and slavery. In particular, he edited the 42 issueof the journal Lumières, entitled " Condorcet démocrate ? ". For the same journal, he also published an article on Rousseau entitled " Une leçon d'art politique. Union politique et division sociale dans le chapitre "Des comices romains" du Contrat social ". He is preparing a monograph on Condorcet entitled Démocratiser la république. La philosophie politique de Condorcet, based on his thesis and to be published by Vrin. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow (2024-2025) at the Collège de France, as part of a research project conducted in partnership with the BnF. His project, entitled " Cosmopolitisme et abolitionnisme chez l'abbé Grégoire (1789-1831) " ( Cosmopolitanism and abolitionism in the work of Abbé Grégoire (1789-1831)) focuses on the Fonds Grégoire held at the BnF (Arsenal).

Gabriel Darriulat
Postdoctoral fellow, Collège de France / Bibliothèque nationale de France