Gabriel Darriulat holds a doctorate in philosophy from Sorbonne University, with a thesis entitled " La décision majoritaire dans la philosophie de Condorcet ". A specialist in political philosophy in the Age of Enlightenment, his research focuses on voting theory, republicanism, human rights and slavery. He edited the 42 issueof the journal Lumières, entitled " Condorcet démocrate ? ". For the same magazine, he also published an article on Rousseau entitled " Une leçon d'art politique. Union politique et division sociale dans le chapitre "Des comices romains" du Contrat social ". He is preparing a monograph on Condorcet entitled Démocratiser la république. La philosophie politique de Condorcet, based on his thesis and to be published by Vrin. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow (2024-2025) at the Collège de France, as part of a research project conducted in partnership with the BnF. His project, entitled " Cosmopolitisme et abolitionnisme chez l'abbé Grégoire (1789-1831) " ( Cosmopolitanism and abolitionism in the work of Abbé Grégoire (1789-1831)) focuses on the Fonds Grégoire held at the BnF (Arsenal).
Gabriel Darriulat
Postdoctoral fellow, Collège de France / Bibliothèque nationale de France