Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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There's a lot of talk these days about project-based research, far beyond the world of architecture and urban planning. At the same time, the term " design", which in English refers to the practice of project work in all its forms, has become widespread, with design schools now found in management programs and engineering schools, from Stanford University to Paris-Est. Something seems to be at stake in this insistent reference to the project as a research tool in its own right, a tool that would enable the accumulation of transmissible and cumulative knowledge, as required by the criteria defining scientific knowledge. In the case of architecture, the questions raised by project-based research are similar to those raised by the doctoral thesis. Under what conditions, then, can the project be used to gather knowledge that can be accumulated and passed on, particularly through doctorates? The talk will answer this question by examining the definition of this knowledge.

Antoine Picon

Antoine Picon is Director of Research at the École nationale des ponts et chaussées and Professor at Harvard University's Graduate School of Design. Trained as an engineer and architect, his work focuses on the history of engineers and techniques, and on the relationship between scientific and technical change and transformations in architecture and the city. Since 2013, he has chaired the Fondation Le Corbusier.

For the 1997 exhibition L'Art de l'ingénieur, organized by the Centre Pompidou, he edited the encyclopedia of the same name. His many books include Architectes et ingénieurs au siècle des Lumières (1988), Claude Perrault ou la curiosité d'un classique (1988), L'Invention de l'ingénieur moderne (1992), La Ville territoire des cyborgs(1998), Les Saint-Simoniens, raison, imaginaire et utopie (2002), Culture numérique et architecture; une Introduction (2010), Ornament. The Politics of Architecture and Subjectivity (2013) and Smart Cities. Theory and critique of a self-fulfilling ideal (2013).


Antoine Picon

Professor at Harvard University, researcher at École nationale des Ponts et Chaussées