- Return to the Brentanian theory of two objects in its two components: 'T2O' and "T2O"
- Alternative reformulations
- Mark Textor: DRM (" Dual relation of the mental ") and DOT(Dual Object Thesis)
- DRM: " every mental phenomenon has an object and is conscious "
- DRM corresponds to 'T2O': A mental act is conscious if it is self-presenting, plus "T2O": Any presentation directed on f-ing a is also directed upon a (co-presents a)
- Translation questions, lexical problems: " presentation " and " Vorstellung
- German, English, French: the dittography of (re)presentation
- "Presentation" and "representation" two words for one (" Vorstellung ")
- The dittography of (re)presentation is not only interlinguistic (passage from German to English or French), it is intralinguistic (it concerns German itself)
- The two rival translations of " Vorstellung " correspond to an ambiguity in German
- First attempt to disambiguate Vorstellung
- Husserl's Psychologische Studien zur elementaren Logik (1894): "Über Anschauungen und Repräsentationen "
- Husserl's thesis: " Vorstellung " covers both " Anschauung ", intuition, and " Repräsentation "
- Definition of " Repräsentation
- Resumption of the distinction in Recherches logiques
- Reminder of French and English translations of the " Vorstellung - Repräsentation " pair: "représentation-idée" and "représentation représentative", "représentation" and "re-présentation" (French), " presentation " and " representation " (English)
- Philosophical archaeology of the distinction between " presentation " and " representation
- Alleged sources: Ward, Bradley
- The real source: Hamilton's Notes on Reid
- Analysis of Hamilton's " Note B ": Of presentative and representative knowledge
- The Hamiltonian distinction between " Presentative or Immediate or Intuitive cognition " and " Representative or Mediate cognition
- Interlude: analysis of the two meanings of "representation" in French: presentation (présentification) and reiteration
- Everything that is "re-presentable" is "re-presentable"
- Rousseau's critique of representation: Jacques Derrida
- Back to " Note B
- Hamilton's archaeological work
- The medieval source: the distinction between " Intuitive and Abstract knowledge
- Definitions of cognitio intuitiva : " cognitio rei praesentis, ut praesens est " and cognitio abstractiva : " cognitio rei, non ut praesens est "
- Hamilton's main source: the Conimbres lecture (Conimbrincenses)
- His favorite reference: Durand de Saint-Pourçain
- Analysis of Durand's texts
- Hamiltonian praise of scholasticism
- Where a quotation from Leibniz leads to a novel by LeSage
16:00 - 17:45
Psychic functions. Intuition, representation, judgment (7)
Alain de Libera
16:00 - 17:45