Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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  • Comparison between Bain's position and its reconstruction by Brentano
  • The Brentanian scenario: modern classifications of mental activity
  • The tripartition of mental phenomena: Kant, Tetens, Mendelssohn, Herbart
  • Aristotle's three classifications
  • Resumption of Brentano's theses
    • *T1 definition of the psychic and reclassification of mental activities
    • *T2: intentional in-existence as a common characteristic of psychic phenomena, and interconnection of said phenomena
  • The new tripartition: "Representation, Judgment, Affective Movements" replaces "Thought, Feeling, Will" - the classification inherited from Kant, later taken up by Arendt
  • Intentional in-existence and intentionality
  • The canonical statement
  • What is intentional in-existence?
  • Medieval innovation
  • Scholasticism and modern philosophy
  • The constituents of the intentional relation
  • Intentionality-thesis. In itself and in its own way, every psychic phenomenon contains something intentionally as an object(Objekt)
  • Why "intentionally" rather than "objectively"?
  • Brentano's answer: to avoid ambiguities arising from the chiasmus (permutation of meaning) of subject (" subiectum ") and object (" obiectum ") between the Middle Ages and Modernity
  • Intentional in-existence is "psychic inhabitation
  • Sources of " Psychische Einwohnung ": Aristotle, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas
  • scholastic " Inexistentia " and patristic ἐνύπαρξις
  • Perichoresis and inhabitation: Brentano's field of theological presence
