- Augustine and the perichoretic model of the soul: a reminder
- The Augustinian "ternaries
- Virtual" trinity: mens, notitia, amor(mens, knowledge, love) and "actual" trinity memoria, intellegentia, voluntas (memory, intelligence, will)
- Mens and memoria
- The philologist's point of view: the mens-memini relationship according to Ernout and Meillet
- The "memory of the present": Augustine's reading of Virgil
- An exegesis of the Aeneid: Ulysses and the Cyclops
- Memory as "the soul's presence to itself
- Inner presence and self-certainty
- Mutual immanence of psychic acts: a return to perichoresis(circumincessio)
- Two medieval examples
- The circumincessio of mental acts according to François de Meyronnes and Pierre de Navarre (Petrus de Atarrabia)
- Modern developments
- Suárez (1548-1617)
- William Sherlock (c. 1641-1707): the "mutual consciousness " of divine Persons
- Baumgarten (1714-1762): personalitas as "intellectual memory
- The perichoretic model is mereological
- Definition of the mereological model of the soul according to Augustine: a whole immanent to itself as a part of itself, connumed with its own acts
- The BrentanianEinwohnung is theinhabitatio of medieval theologians, a mode of "presence in" that cannot be thought of in terms of the accident's inherence in a subject (subjectivity, attributivism*), and is characterized by the mutual compenetration or immanence of Persons (in Trinitarian theology) and mental acts (in psychology)
- What does this have to do with Aristotle?
- The need for a shock of simplification
17:30 - 18:30
Psychic functions. Intuition, representation, judgment (4)
Alain de Libera
17:30 - 18:30