Salle 2, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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  • Archaeology of conceptualism
  • Gérando's thesis
  • Pierre de la Ramée and Christopher Marlowe: "Massacre in Paris
  • Three types of "nominalism"
    • the radical nominalism of "Rousselin" (Roscelin de Compiègne): universals do not exist even in thought ;
    • zeno's "conceptualism": universals exist only in thought;
    • between the two: Abélard's peripateticism
  • Gérando's sources: Johann Jakob Brucker'sHistoria critica philosophiae (1696-1770); Dugald Stewart's Elements of the philosophy of the human mind (1753-1828); John of Salisbury's Metalogicon (1115-1180)
  • Two archaeological tasks: determining the narrative patterns organizing the historical construction of the "Querelle des universaux" object; the role of Scottish and French philosophy in formulating and implementing these patterns
  • Back to Victor Cousin
  • Correspondence between Aristotle's "semantic triangle" and the two ternaries of the "quarrel": "nominalism, conceptualism, realism" and "radical nominalism, peripatetism, conceptualism"
  • The Académie des sciences morales et politiques and the 1845 competition: the Examen critique de la Philosophie Scolastique
  • Analysis of Cousin's program
  • Cousin's thesis: Scholasticism was born in France with Abélard's conceptualism
  • Abélard and Descartes: the two fathers of "French philosophy
  • The theses of Barthélemy Hauréau, winner of the 1845-1848 competition
  • Back to the historical and philosophical sources of the "quarrel": initial surveys.