- Kant. The invention of " Subjektivität
- The entry of "subjectivity" into French: Charles de Villers (1765-1815).
- The four uses of "subjectif": philosophical, psychological, medical, common
- First formulation of the archaeological question: How did man enter philosophy as the subject of thought and will? The question of man and the question of the subject according to Foucault: problems of chronology
- The subject in ancient philosophy is not the subject of action
- The fundamental equations
- subject πρὸς ὕπαρξιν = subject of inherence = ontological subject ;
- subject πρὸς κατηγορίαν = subject of attribution = logical subject.
10:30 - 11:30
Inventio subiecti. The invention of the modern subject (3)
Alain de Libera
10:30 - 11:30