Salle 2, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all
  • The "subject" in Goclenius (1547-1628)
  • Man and subject: Heidegger's two questions
  • What does "subject" mean? How do we come to posit man's being in this way?
  • Subject of cohesion and subject of naming.
  • Edmond Pourchot (1651-1734). Distant subject(subiectum QUOD), and proximate subject(subiectum QUO)
  • Scholastic ontology and syntax: the subject as "dependent termination
  • Essential predication (synonymic), 'ut de subiecto', and accidental predication (denominative), 'ut in subiecto'
  • Back to Aristotle: the two meanings of κατηορεῖν: "to accuse" and "to attribute"
  • The modern subject: Locke's attribution and imputation
  • Reversal of founding meanings.