Salle 2, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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  • Abstract
  • Words, concepts and things. From Aristotle's semantic triangle to the redistribution/reformulation of Porphyry's questionnaire
  • The semantics of the Peri Hermeneias
  • Two tripartite schemes: voice, pathemes, things (Aristotle); φωνα ί,νοήματα, ὄντα (Neoplatonic commentators)
  • On the relationship between voice and pathemes. The Boecian translation of κατά συνθήκην by " ad placitum ", and its consequences
  • Archaeological analysis of textual feedback Isagoge-Catégories-PeriHermeneias
  • The medieval logical corpus: logica vetus, logica nova, logica Modernorum
  • The " ordo disciplinae " in medieval logic: the Summulae logicales
  • Peri hermeneias and the theory of suppositio
  • The skopos of the Categories in the Neoplatonist Commentators
  • Simplicius' formula: "Categories are, in the language that proceeds from the human soul, the simple words that signify simple realities (or supreme kinds) through the mediation of the simple notions that are in the soul"
  • Ammonius and the theory of the three states of the universal: before the multiple (paradigm or Idea), in the multiple (participatory form), after the multiple (abstract concept)
  • From psychology to theology: the Odyssey of the universal
  • The Ammonian characterization of abstract concepts as "posterior in the order of being" echoes a formula from De anima: "[...] the animal taken universally is either nothing or is posterior"
  • Syriac Christianization of Ammonius' model: Sergius of Reshaina († 536).