- Heidegger. The I as subsistent subject does not answer the question WHO?
- "I", "you" and "we", in the 1934 lecture on Logic
- Ricoeur: Self-imputation is part of an asymmetrical dialogical structure whose origin is external to me
- Subject, soul, person, Self, agent, I: six holders for a single "place"
- Back to Nietzsche. "It is thought: therefore there is something thinking" (Will to Power, § 484)
- The prerequisites of thought in the Cartesian scheme
- (a) All thought requires a thinker.
- (b) Every thought requires a subject.
- (c) All thought requires a thinker who is a subject.
- (d) Every thought requires a subject who is its thinker
- The Fregean exception: thoughts without a thinker. The third domain
- Prerequisites for action
- Articulating requisites and the subject-agent network
- Subjectless propositions and the reformulation of the cogito
- "It is thought in me". Lichtenberg and Schelling
- Nietzsche's critique of Descartes' "logico-metaphysical postulate
- The "grammarian's syllogism" as an unfolding of propositions (a)-(d)
10:30 - 11:30
Inventio subiecti. The invention of the modern subject (6)
Alain de Libera
10:30 - 11:30