Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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If love is the founding novel of the West, it expresses its political haunts far more than the assurance of its moral edification. This is the case not onlyin Albert Cohen'sBelle du seigneur , but also, thirty years earlier, in Denis de Rougemont's L'Amour en Occident . From here, we undertake an analysis of the fole amor as it unfolds in the different versions of Tristan and Isolde in the 12th and 13th centuries, examining the shifts they make in the trajectories of desire between love, death and war. The result is a questioning of the historicity of the categories of courtly love, but also of the ennobling function of a feeling that is both intense and distanced.


  • " Encore ", or the desire to return : history of power and the structure of domination
  • " Aller jusqu'où va la fêlure " (Gilles Deleuze, "  Zolaet la fêlure ", Logique du sens, Paris, 1969)
  • Reread Albert Cohen and Belle du Seigneur (Paris, 1968) ?
  • "  Ihave a stranger in my heart, she thought " : l'amour, la mort, l'amour(t) (Stéphane Habib, La Langue de l'amour, Paris, 2016)
  • Le paria, le prophète et l'Occident : Albert Cohen et les hantises de l'amour-passion (Philippe Zard, La Fiction de l'Occident : Thomas Mann, Franz Kafka, Albert Cohen, Paris, 1999)
  • Denis de Rougemont in 1939, in search of " our Western psyche "
  • " Seigneurs, vous plait-il d'entendre un beau conte d'amour et de mort ? " : Joseph Bédier et la mise en prose des premières versifiées versions de la légende tristanienne (Michel Zink, Tristan et Iseut. Un remède à l'amour, Paris, 2022)
  • What is a myth ? When Wagner spills the beans
  • " Without knowing it, lovers in spite of themselves have never desired anything but death " (Denis de Rougemont, L'Amour en Occident, Paris, 1939)
  • "   ! la guerre " : love-passion and political fervor
  • Rereading L'amour en Occident, " book formerly famous " (Paul Zumthor, Miroirs de l'amour, Paris, 1952) ?
  • An initial triangulation :fole amor, fin'amor et bone amor (Alain Corbellari, Prismes de l'amour courtois, Dijon, 2018)
  • Jean-Paul Sartre and Chrétien de Troyes in league against the love potion (Alain Corbellari, " Sartre et le mythe tristanien ", Études sartriennes, 23, 2019)
  • From the enigma of " sharing bodies " in the Roman de Tristan to Érec et Énide
  • Logiques narratives de la mise en prose (Emmanuelle Baumgartner, Le " Tristan " en prose. Essai d'interprétation d'un roman médiéval, Geneva, 1975)
  • Tant regarde Palamedes Yselt que Trisanz s'en aperçoit, et bien conoist a son semblant qu'il l'aime de tot son cuer : a second triangulation, that of the trajectory of desire
  • Palamède and the figure of the Saracen knight : another poisoning, that of Greco-Arab ambivalence
  • From domination to dilection   : the feminine as figurative expression (Christiane Marchello-Nizia, " Amour courtois, société masculine et figures de pouvoir ", Annales ESC, 1981)
  • A discourse of symbolic compensation ?(Rüdiger Schnell, "Causa Amoris. Liebeskonzeption und Liebesdarstellung in der mittelalterlichen Literatur, Munich, 1985)
  • " All had to sing her praises " : the lady displayed like a trophy in Graelent's Lai
  • La construction historiographique de la catégorie de l'amour courtois au miroir de nos hantises contemporaines (Zrinka Stahuljak, L'Archéologie pornographique. Médecine, Moyen Âge et histoire de France, Rennes, 2018)
  • Gaston Paris, the philological exclusion of fabliaux and the civilizing mission of the French aristocracy
  • Amour courtois et divorce républicain :" On ne conçoit pas de rapport pareil entre mari et femme " (Gaston Paris, " Études sur les romans de la Table ronde :Lancelot du Lac ", Romania, 1883)
  • Courtesy, gallantry, noble sentiments
  • " As early as the twelfth century in Provence, love was considered noble. Not only did it ennoble, it also ennobled " (Denis de Rougemont)
  • What is dilectio morosa ? The pleasure of unfulfilled desire, indefinitely prolonged and savored (Charles Baladier, Érôs au Moyen Âge. Amour, désir et " delectatio morosa ", Paris, 1999)
  • One intense, distant love for two aristocracies
  • Comparing the arts of love and social preeminence (William M. Reddy, The Making of Romantic Love, Longing and Sexuality in Europe, South Asia, and Japan, 900-1200 CE, Chicago, 2012)
  • Richard the Lionheart and Philip Augustus in 1187 :" Henri II was deeply astonished by the vehement love that existed between them and wondered what it could mean " (Stephen Jaeger, The Ennobling Love: In Search of a Lost Sensibility, Philadelphia, 1999).