Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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From the dolce stil nuovo envisaged as the collective exercise of a poetry of knowledge to the metaphysics of love deployed in the Commedia, Dante never ceased to " think amorously ". This conjunction between the experience of love and the doctrine of intelligence can be described in highly speculative terms. In addition to its philosophical implications, this article looks at its consequences for political organization : how can we think and act together in a communal context ? If citizens are bound together by obliging friendships, it is first and foremost up to their leaders to love justice.


  • Et caddi come corpo morto cade. Dante in the fifth book of theInferno
  • " And as the cranes go singing their lays... " : the complaint of the lustful and " two doves that desire calls "
  • Story of Francesca and Paolo
  • Galeotto fu 'l libro e chi lo scrisse : Chrétien de Troyes, Dante, Boccaccio ("A recent past: Dante, since Boccaccio", lecture January 23, 2018)
  • A book whose title and author are kept quiet :André le Chapelain'sDe amore in the underworld ?(Enrico Malato, Dante, Paris, 2017)
  • Books XVII and XVIII of Purgatory : criticism ofimmoderatio and the metaphysics of love
  • Literary movement, codes of behavior, collective experience
  • Le dolce stil nuovo, poetry of knowledge
  • Dante and his brigata :thinking lovingly (Sylvain Piron, Emanuele Coccia, " Poetry, science and politics. A generation of Italian intellectuals (1290-1330) ". Revue de Synthèse, 2008)
  • Une pensée " transversale, éclatée, ou plutôt inassignable à résidence " (Alain de Libera, Penser au Moyen Âge, Paris, 1991)
  • A ciascun'alma : 1283, première créance, premier poème (Elisa Brilli, Giuliano Milano, Dante. Des vies nouvelles, Paris, 2021)
  • Guido Cavalcanti, from " premier ami " to Guido vostro : the art of disappointment
  • Donna me prega : who is this lady and what is this accident ?
  • Ne pas pétrarquiser le dolce stil nuovo : the poet subjected to the quaestio (Sonia Gentili, " Does love hinder reason ? ", Critique, 2007)
  • Loquens ut naturalis (Alain de Libera, Irène Rosier-Catach, Jean-Baptiste Brenet dit., Dante et l'averroïsme, Paris 2017)
  • Phenomenology of love, doctrine of intelligence and copulatio
  • " Thought belongs to me because it was imagined and desired " (Giorgio Agamben and Jean-Baptiste Brenet, Intellect d'amour, Lagrasse, 2018)
  • Monarchy, the power of thought and the multitude
  • Cogitatio et co-agitatio : thinking in common, acting in common (Jean-Baptise Brenet, " Organisation politique et théorie de l'intellect chez Dante et Averroès ", Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica, 2006)
  • How to build this common in the political order ? The " extreme and radical corporationism " (Ernst Kantorowicz) of Remigio dei Girolami
  • In 1301 in Florence : Dino Compagni and the Christian anointing of the common good (Patrick Boucheron, " Politisation et dépolitization d'un lieu commun. Remarques sur la notion de "bien commun" dans les villes d'Italie centro-septentrionale entre commune et seigneurie ", in Élodie Lecuppre-Desjardin and Anne-Laure Van Bruane eds, "De Bono Communi". Discours et pratique du Bien Commun dans les villes d'Europe occidentale (XIIIe-XVIe  s.), Turnhout, 2010)
  • More Ciceronian than Thomistic, the Italian commune and its obliging friendships " balancing between sentiment and reasoned association " (Carole Mabboux, Cicero and the commune. Le rhéteur comme modèle civique (Italie, XIIIe-XIVe  s.), Rome, 2022)
  • The commune as a community of communes: heterogeneous social, political and urban forms
  • From the " group in fusion " to the sworn group : disappointment in a democratic regime
  • La culture de l'odium ou " le temps de la haine " (Élisabeth Crouzet-Pavan, Enfers et paradis. L'Italie de Dante à Giotto, Paris, 2001)
  • Le vinculum concordiae : it's primarily up to magistrates to "  l'aimer d'une intime charité " (Pisa, 1153, quoted in Chris Wickham, Somnambules d'un nouveau monde : L'émergence des communes italiennes au XIIe siècle, Brussels, 2021)
  • A red thread in political communication :" Love justice, you who are the judges of the earth " (Rosa Maria Dessi, " Diligite iustitiam vos qui iudicatis terram (Wisdom, I, 1) : sermons and discourses on justice in urban Italy (12th-15thcenturies ) ", Rivista internazionale di diritto comune, 2007)
  • Volgete li occhi a veder chi mi tira (" Turn your eyes to see who is dragging me ", Dante, Rime, LIX) and re-enter the Salla della Pace of Siena's Palazzo Comunale
  • Take another look at the Caritas painted by Ambrogio Lorenzetti (Donato Piravano, La nudità di Beatrice. Dante, Giotto, Ambrogio Lorenzetti et l'iconografia della carità, Rome, 2023)
  • Wedding procession and show of force : where is the bride in red headed ?
  • The bird has flown
  • Return to the flight of cranes, the step of doves and the ballet of starlings (Sylvie Coche, " La Divine Comédie ou l'école des oiseaux : Dante dans le sillage des grues " in Déduits d'oiseaux au Moyen Âge, Aix-en-Provence, 2009)
  • Search for a form that " would manifest complexity in reverse and simplicity in reverse " (Nathacha Appanah, La Mémoire délavée, Paris, 2023).