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The loka is a place of … Published on 1 October 2010 News Monday, October 4, 2010 at 7 p.m., lecture by Prof. Daniel Roche in Aubervilliers Collège de France Collège de France Mondays at Aubervilliers Work: an expression of the human being 2010-2011 Monday, October 4, 2010 Daniel Roche, Honorary Professor at the Collège de France, Chair in the History of Enlightenment France The horse and man: work and … Published on 30 September 2010 News Mondays at the Collège de France in Aubervilliers Collège de France Work: Expression of the human being 2010-2011 program The horse and man: work and nobility Daniel Roche Honorary Professor at the Collège de France Chair in the History of French Enlightenment Monday, October 4, 2010 7pm, Lycée Le Corbusier … Published on 15 September 2010 News European Heritage Days at the Collège de France, September 18 and 19, 2010 Collège de France Collège de France 11, place Marcelin Berthelot 75005 Paris Access map Free admission, no prior registration required Visits will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., continuously throughout the two days. Self-guided tours - The courtyards: the Cour … Published on 25 August 2010 News June 28 - Prof. John Scheid's study day - Rites and legitimation: secular games in the light of the social sciences Collège de France Study day organized by A. Gailliot, R. Laignoux and F. Roa Bastos at the Collège de France Seminar room 3, rue d'Ulm , 75005 Paris 9:00 - 9:30 Welcome of participants 9:30 - 10:00 Raphaelle Laignoux, Francisco Roa Bastos, Antoine Gailliot Introduction The … Published on 15 June 2010 News Thursday June 17 at 8:30 pm, Performance by Pr. Jacques Nichet: L'Anthologie inattendue Collège de France The Collège de France invites you to a one-off performance of Jacques Nichet's 2009-2010 Artistic Creation Chair, L'Anthologie inattendue Texts chosen by Professors of the Collège de France on a unique and varied theme: time... performed by three … Published on 8 June 2010 News Colloque des Pr. Durand et Pr. Römer - La faute et sa punition dans les civilisations orientales, June 21-22 Public lectures Institut du Proche-Orient du Collège de France, Unité Mixte de Recherche, CNRS n° 7192 Proche-Orient-Caucase : Langues, Archéologie, Cultures with the collaboration of the Société asiatique Monday, June 21st 2010 9:45 am under the chairmanship of … Published on 7 June 2010 News Colloque du Pr. Laurens - The Cold War in the Mediterranean, May 29, 2010 Collège de France Colloque Collège de France / Académie diplomatique internationale At the Académie diplomatique 4 bis avenue Hoche 75008 Paris 9:30 am Introductory remarks : Henry Laurens: The Cold War in the Mediterranean Victoria de Grazia: America's Mediterranean … Published on 25 May 2010 News June 7 and 8, symposium: Managing Climate Change Collège de France Organized by Nicholas Stern and Roger Guesnerie The symposium comprises two days. The first is devoted to the economics of the long term. It brings together some of the main contributors to the lively debate that climate policy has provoked among … Published on 20 May 2010 News Friday June 11, Symposium "Physiology and Pathophysiology of Basal Ganglia", Pr. Jean-Michel Deniau's jubilee Collège de France 9:00-9:15 Introduction: Marie-Lou Kemel, Stéphane Charpier, Laurent Venance Session 1 : Anatomo-functionnal organization of basal ganglia network (chair : Jérome Yelnik & Yves Gioanni) 9h15-9h30 Philippe Mailly (Paris) : Development of a functional 3D … Published on 11 May 2010 News Friday, May 28, Fondation Antoine Lacassagne Collège de France Mr. Thomas LECUIT Research Director, CNRS Institut de Biologie du développement de Marseille Luminy, CNRS/Université de la Méditerranée Genetic control and physical constraints during morphogenesis This lecture will take place at 2 p.m collège de France … Published on 11 May 2010 News Tribute to Jean Yoyotte Jean Yoyotte, chair Egyptology Jean Yoyotte (1927-2009) Jean Yoyotte passed away on July 1. He was born in Lyon on August 4, 1927, into a family originally from Martinique. His father was a chemical engineer with a comfortable position at Rhône-Poulenc, which soon led him to move to … Published on 28 April 2010 News Alain Berthoz - Colloquium on May 3 Alain Berthoz, chair Physiology of perception and action Sensorimotor Computation: the Control of Gaze In cooperation with Prof. D. Pai of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Peter Wall Institute of Advanced Studies) . Program 09h00 - 09h15: Opening remarks Dianne NEWELL (Director of the PWIAS, … Published on 27 April 2010 News May 3 and 4, 2010, Mathias Fink in Tunis Collège de France Collège de france lectures in Tunisia, May 3 and 4, 2010. Theme: Past, Present … Published on 26 April 2010 News Rationality, truth and democracy : Bertrand Russell, George Orwell, Noam Chomsky - Colloquium organized by Pr Jacques Bouveresse on Friday, May 28 2010 Jacques Bouveresse, chair Philosophy of language and knowledge Taking up Paul Boghossian's important distinction in Fear of Knowledge, we can distinguish two forms of social constructivism. According to the first, there are no facts that are independent of the kind of theory (or, as a Wittgensteinian would say, … Published on 7 April 2010 News Tahiti's sea level and corals Edouard Bard, chair Climate and Ocean Evolution We take a detailed look at sea-level variations during the last deglaciation, which caused a dramatic rise in global sea level of around 120 metres. During this period, many other climatic and oceanographic parameters underwent major changes: global … Published on 1 April 2010 News Franz Cumont returns to the Collège de France - Study day organized by M. Ossola and M. Scheid, March 31, 2010 Carlo Ossola, chair Modern literature of Neolatin Europe Rome and its religions: worship, morality, spirituality Study day organized on the occasion of the republication of Lux Perpetua (Bibliotheca Cumontiana, Opera maiora 2 / Nino Aragno Editore, Turin, 2010) by Professors Carlo Ossola and John Scheid. Lux … Published on 11 March 2010 News Publication of the Lettre Hors série du Collège de France Collège de France Contents Tobacco: history and botany Genesis of an epidemic Marc KIRSCH The benefits of tobacco Agnès RICROCH Tobacco and addiction Interview with Jean-Pierre CHANGEUX Interview with Jean-Pol TASSIN Tobacco and health Cardiovascular risks of smoking: … Published on 9 March 2010 News Fyssen Foundation International Award, March 26, 2010 Collège de France On the occasion of the 2010 Fyssen Foundation International Prize, which will be awarded to him on Friday, March 26, Professor Chris Frith will give an exceptional lecture at the Collège de France: "What is Consciousness for?" Friday March 26, 2010, at … Published on 9 March 2010 News Journée d'histoire des relations franco-ottomanes, Thursday, March 25, 2010 Collège de France Beyond allusions at the Collège de France 11, place Marcelin Berthelot 75005 Paris, France This colloquium will be filmed (Collège de France / CERIMES co-production) and broadcast on our website. The long-standing relations between France and Turkey, … Published on 26 February 2010 News Collège de France lectures in Tunisia - March 2010 Collège de France Cycle 2009-2010 Past, Present Professors Michel Zink, Anne Cheng, Esther Duflo, Serge Haroche and Mathias Fink will be giving lectures in Tunisia . Professor Anne Cheng Chair of Chinese Intellectual History Monday March 1, 2010 at 3 pm Professor Esther … Published on 25 February 2010 News Colloquium - Dante at the Collège de France, December 4-5, 2009 Carlo Ossola, chair Modern literature of Neolatin Europe International colloquium organized in collaboration with the Istituto Italiano di Cultura de Paris and the Società Dante Alighieri - Comité de Paris. Lectures given in French. Free admission, subject to availability Friday, December 4th 2009 9:30am - … Published on 2 December 2009 News Study published in Nature, July 15 2009 Edouard Bard, chair Climate and Ocean Evolution Can the ocean amplify climate change or regulate it? In collaboration with Ros Rickaby of Oxford University, we have just provided some new insights into this question (Bard & Rickaby, 2009, Nature ). Our work focuses on a problem that is still debated, … Published on 1 December 2009 News Listen to speeches from the international symposium - Claude Lévi-Strauss, un parcours dans le siècle (November 25, 2008) Collège de France Claude Lévi-Strauss download the symposium program access the conference recordings … Published on 4 November 2009 Pagination First page Previous page … Page 56 Page 57 Page 58 Page 59 Current page 60 Page 61 Page 62 Page 63 Page 64 … Next page Last page
News October 7 and 8, 2010, international colloquium in honor of Charles Malamoud - Aux abords de la clairière, Etudes indiennes et comparées Gérard Fussman, chair History of the Indian world International symposium , organized by Prs. Gérard Fussman and John Scheid Charles Malamoud recalls that the term loka , which in Sanskrit designates the world, is related to the Latin lūcus , whose primary meaning is "clearing". The loka is a place of … Published on 1 October 2010
News Monday, October 4, 2010 at 7 p.m., lecture by Prof. Daniel Roche in Aubervilliers Collège de France Collège de France Mondays at Aubervilliers Work: an expression of the human being 2010-2011 Monday, October 4, 2010 Daniel Roche, Honorary Professor at the Collège de France, Chair in the History of Enlightenment France The horse and man: work and … Published on 30 September 2010
News Mondays at the Collège de France in Aubervilliers Collège de France Work: Expression of the human being 2010-2011 program The horse and man: work and nobility Daniel Roche Honorary Professor at the Collège de France Chair in the History of French Enlightenment Monday, October 4, 2010 7pm, Lycée Le Corbusier … Published on 15 September 2010
News European Heritage Days at the Collège de France, September 18 and 19, 2010 Collège de France Collège de France 11, place Marcelin Berthelot 75005 Paris Access map Free admission, no prior registration required Visits will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., continuously throughout the two days. Self-guided tours - The courtyards: the Cour … Published on 25 August 2010
News June 28 - Prof. John Scheid's study day - Rites and legitimation: secular games in the light of the social sciences Collège de France Study day organized by A. Gailliot, R. Laignoux and F. Roa Bastos at the Collège de France Seminar room 3, rue d'Ulm , 75005 Paris 9:00 - 9:30 Welcome of participants 9:30 - 10:00 Raphaelle Laignoux, Francisco Roa Bastos, Antoine Gailliot Introduction The … Published on 15 June 2010
News Thursday June 17 at 8:30 pm, Performance by Pr. Jacques Nichet: L'Anthologie inattendue Collège de France The Collège de France invites you to a one-off performance of Jacques Nichet's 2009-2010 Artistic Creation Chair, L'Anthologie inattendue Texts chosen by Professors of the Collège de France on a unique and varied theme: time... performed by three … Published on 8 June 2010
News Colloque des Pr. Durand et Pr. Römer - La faute et sa punition dans les civilisations orientales, June 21-22 Public lectures Institut du Proche-Orient du Collège de France, Unité Mixte de Recherche, CNRS n° 7192 Proche-Orient-Caucase : Langues, Archéologie, Cultures with the collaboration of the Société asiatique Monday, June 21st 2010 9:45 am under the chairmanship of … Published on 7 June 2010
News Colloque du Pr. Laurens - The Cold War in the Mediterranean, May 29, 2010 Collège de France Colloque Collège de France / Académie diplomatique internationale At the Académie diplomatique 4 bis avenue Hoche 75008 Paris 9:30 am Introductory remarks : Henry Laurens: The Cold War in the Mediterranean Victoria de Grazia: America's Mediterranean … Published on 25 May 2010
News June 7 and 8, symposium: Managing Climate Change Collège de France Organized by Nicholas Stern and Roger Guesnerie The symposium comprises two days. The first is devoted to the economics of the long term. It brings together some of the main contributors to the lively debate that climate policy has provoked among … Published on 20 May 2010
News Friday June 11, Symposium "Physiology and Pathophysiology of Basal Ganglia", Pr. Jean-Michel Deniau's jubilee Collège de France 9:00-9:15 Introduction: Marie-Lou Kemel, Stéphane Charpier, Laurent Venance Session 1 : Anatomo-functionnal organization of basal ganglia network (chair : Jérome Yelnik & Yves Gioanni) 9h15-9h30 Philippe Mailly (Paris) : Development of a functional 3D … Published on 11 May 2010
News Friday, May 28, Fondation Antoine Lacassagne Collège de France Mr. Thomas LECUIT Research Director, CNRS Institut de Biologie du développement de Marseille Luminy, CNRS/Université de la Méditerranée Genetic control and physical constraints during morphogenesis This lecture will take place at 2 p.m collège de France … Published on 11 May 2010
News Tribute to Jean Yoyotte Jean Yoyotte, chair Egyptology Jean Yoyotte (1927-2009) Jean Yoyotte passed away on July 1. He was born in Lyon on August 4, 1927, into a family originally from Martinique. His father was a chemical engineer with a comfortable position at Rhône-Poulenc, which soon led him to move to … Published on 28 April 2010
News Alain Berthoz - Colloquium on May 3 Alain Berthoz, chair Physiology of perception and action Sensorimotor Computation: the Control of Gaze In cooperation with Prof. D. Pai of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Peter Wall Institute of Advanced Studies) . Program 09h00 - 09h15: Opening remarks Dianne NEWELL (Director of the PWIAS, … Published on 27 April 2010
News May 3 and 4, 2010, Mathias Fink in Tunis Collège de France Collège de france lectures in Tunisia, May 3 and 4, 2010. Theme: Past, Present … Published on 26 April 2010
News Rationality, truth and democracy : Bertrand Russell, George Orwell, Noam Chomsky - Colloquium organized by Pr Jacques Bouveresse on Friday, May 28 2010 Jacques Bouveresse, chair Philosophy of language and knowledge Taking up Paul Boghossian's important distinction in Fear of Knowledge, we can distinguish two forms of social constructivism. According to the first, there are no facts that are independent of the kind of theory (or, as a Wittgensteinian would say, … Published on 7 April 2010
News Tahiti's sea level and corals Edouard Bard, chair Climate and Ocean Evolution We take a detailed look at sea-level variations during the last deglaciation, which caused a dramatic rise in global sea level of around 120 metres. During this period, many other climatic and oceanographic parameters underwent major changes: global … Published on 1 April 2010
News Franz Cumont returns to the Collège de France - Study day organized by M. Ossola and M. Scheid, March 31, 2010 Carlo Ossola, chair Modern literature of Neolatin Europe Rome and its religions: worship, morality, spirituality Study day organized on the occasion of the republication of Lux Perpetua (Bibliotheca Cumontiana, Opera maiora 2 / Nino Aragno Editore, Turin, 2010) by Professors Carlo Ossola and John Scheid. Lux … Published on 11 March 2010
News Publication of the Lettre Hors série du Collège de France Collège de France Contents Tobacco: history and botany Genesis of an epidemic Marc KIRSCH The benefits of tobacco Agnès RICROCH Tobacco and addiction Interview with Jean-Pierre CHANGEUX Interview with Jean-Pol TASSIN Tobacco and health Cardiovascular risks of smoking: … Published on 9 March 2010
News Fyssen Foundation International Award, March 26, 2010 Collège de France On the occasion of the 2010 Fyssen Foundation International Prize, which will be awarded to him on Friday, March 26, Professor Chris Frith will give an exceptional lecture at the Collège de France: "What is Consciousness for?" Friday March 26, 2010, at … Published on 9 March 2010
News Journée d'histoire des relations franco-ottomanes, Thursday, March 25, 2010 Collège de France Beyond allusions at the Collège de France 11, place Marcelin Berthelot 75005 Paris, France This colloquium will be filmed (Collège de France / CERIMES co-production) and broadcast on our website. The long-standing relations between France and Turkey, … Published on 26 February 2010
News Collège de France lectures in Tunisia - March 2010 Collège de France Cycle 2009-2010 Past, Present Professors Michel Zink, Anne Cheng, Esther Duflo, Serge Haroche and Mathias Fink will be giving lectures in Tunisia . Professor Anne Cheng Chair of Chinese Intellectual History Monday March 1, 2010 at 3 pm Professor Esther … Published on 25 February 2010
News Colloquium - Dante at the Collège de France, December 4-5, 2009 Carlo Ossola, chair Modern literature of Neolatin Europe International colloquium organized in collaboration with the Istituto Italiano di Cultura de Paris and the Società Dante Alighieri - Comité de Paris. Lectures given in French. Free admission, subject to availability Friday, December 4th 2009 9:30am - … Published on 2 December 2009
News Study published in Nature, July 15 2009 Edouard Bard, chair Climate and Ocean Evolution Can the ocean amplify climate change or regulate it? In collaboration with Ros Rickaby of Oxford University, we have just provided some new insights into this question (Bard & Rickaby, 2009, Nature ). Our work focuses on a problem that is still debated, … Published on 1 December 2009
News Listen to speeches from the international symposium - Claude Lévi-Strauss, un parcours dans le siècle (November 25, 2008) Collège de France Claude Lévi-Strauss download the symposium program access the conference recordings … Published on 4 November 2009