
june 6 to 8, 2012. The arts of peace in a Europe at war (1450-1945)


Colloquium organized by the CNRS research team République des Lettres, Respublica Literaria as part of the TransferS laboratory of excellence, with the support of the Institut d'Études littéraires du Collège de France, the École normale supérieure de Paris, the CNRS and the Friends of the Louvre.

Wednesday, June 6

9:00 Welcome: Pierre Corvol, Administrator of the Collège de France
9:30 Introduction: Marc Fumaroli, Académie française

From Antiquity to the Renaissance
Chairman: Marc Fumaroli
10:00 Augustus and peace: John Scheid (Collège de France)
10:30 War as an epistemological obstacle: the sack of Rome in 390 BC as seen by 17th and 18th century European scholarship: Alexandre Grandazzi (Université Paris-Sorbonne)
11:30 Chivalry as the art of peace: Michel Zink (Collège de France)
12:00 Skirmishes: Carlo Ossola (Collège de France)

Session chaired by Elizabeth McGrath
2:00 p.m. A new look at the allegory of peace in Siena's Palazzo comunale: Florence Vuilleumier Laurens (Université de Bretagne occidentale)
2:30 p.m. E vo gridando: Pace, pace, pace. La canzone de Pétrarque à l'Italie martyre: Pierre Laurens (Institut de France)
15h00 Hommes de guerre et hommes de paix dans les cours italiennes de la Renaissance: Amedeo Quondam (Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza)
15h30 La guerre et ses représentations à la Renaissance, XVe et XVIe siècles: Giulia Aurigemma (Università degli Studi di Chieti)
4:30 pm "La tranquille possession", Architecture and civilization in the humanist and classical ages: Pierre Caye (CNRS, Centre Jean Pépin)
5:00 pm Shakespeare: the sources of war, the resources of peace: Michael Edwards (Collège de France)

Thursday June 7th

The Ancien Régime
Chairman: Barbara Cassin
9:30 War and peace in the art and diplomacy of the Catholic Reformation (from the Council of Trent to Caravaggio): Alessandro Zuccari (Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza)
10:00 Diplomacy and Political Engagement in Rubens's Allegories of Peace and War: Elizabeth McGrath (The Warburg Institute of London)
10:30 War and Peace in the Spain of Olivares: Sir John Elliott (Oxford University)
11h30 Richelieu entre guerre et paix: Françoise Hildesheimer (Archives nationales de France)
12h00 Louis XIV. Le salon de la guerre et le salon de la paix à Versailles: Marc Fumaroli, Académie française

Session chaired by Amedeo Quondam
2:30 pm Eclipse and renewal of military glory in the arts of Enlightenment Europe: Christian Michel (University of Lausanne)
3:00 pm A foreign war is a much sweeter evil than civil war: Antoine Compagnon (Collège de France)
3:30 pm Diplomacy of peace (1648 - 1798): Lucien Bély (Université Paris-Sorbonne)
4:30 pm The idea of war from Voltaire to Clausewitz and Nietzsche: Guillaume Métayer (CNRS, Centre CELLF)
5:00 pm Rebuilding peace after the revolutionary and imperial wars: Thierry Lentz (Fondation Napoléon)

Friday June 8

Chairman: Marc Fumaroli
9:30 am Le moment 1806 : Hegel, Clausewitz, Hölderlin : Benoît Chantre (CIEPFC, fondation Imitatio, directeur de collection, Éditions Flammarion)
10:00 am La Grande Guerre, un objet de combattant : la canne sculptée du soldat Claude Burloux en 1917 : Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau (EHESS, Historial de Péronne)
10:30 La guerre jugée par la philosophie, la philosophie jugée par la guerre: les deux épreuves du XXe siècle: Fréderic Worms (CIEPFC, École normale supérieure de Paris)
11:30 War and poetry in the 20th century: Michel Jarrety (Université Paris-Sorbonne)
12:00 Artistic and political geography of Europe between the wars: Luigi Ficacci (Superintendent BSAE of Bologna, Ferrara, Forli-Cesena, Ravenna and Rimini)

Session chaired by Antoine Compagnon
2:30 pm Ernst Jünger: combat as inner experience: Jacques Le Rider (École pratique des hautes études)
3:00 pm Six o'clock in the evening after the war: memory and the expectation of peace in Soviet cinema during the Second World War: Valérie Pozner (CNRS, Centre Arias)
3:30 pm War painting: Jean Clair, Académie française
4:00 pm Conclusions: Antoine Compagnon (Collège de France)

Collège de France,
11, place Marcelin Berthelot
75231 Paris Cedex 05
Marguerite de Navarre Amphitheatre