Published on 6 December 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011. Study day organized by Pr. Scheid - Thermalism: the history of a cultural and medical phenomenon

Study day organized by J. Scheid, M. Nicoud, J. Coste
Collège de France, CIHAM UMR 5648, EPHE EA 4116


The study day will focus on the relationship between thermalism and medicine and health practices in the broadest sense. These relationships will be examined from Antiquity to the end of the 19th or beginning of the 20th century, in a broad geographical area that includes Europe and the Mediterranean. Faced with a phenomenon that has a long history, but whose chronologies are still often unclear, and which has been of interest to various fields of social science, the organizers wish to emphasize the problem of the reading grids to be used to analyze the spa question. Papers will therefore be mainly methodological. They will deal with ways of analyzing documents (in their textual and/or archaeological diversity), but also with the problems to be posed and the concepts to be used (or no longer used) in the context of a diachronic study of thermalism.
They may be based on an epistemological or historiographical analysis, or propose an exemplary case study concerning one or more aspects of thermalism (architectural, economic, political, cultural, medical, etc.).


9h15 Welcome
9:30 a.m. Introduction
J. Scheid, M. Nicoud, J. Coste
9h50 J. Scheid, Collège de France
Places of worship and health practices in Roman antiquity
10:30 E. Samama, Université de Versailles, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
From spring nymphs to medical water, a Greek thermalism?
11:10 a.m. Break
11:30 H. Broise, IRAA Aix-Marseille
"Classical" and "therapeutic" spas: reflections on the architecture and internal organization of spas using thermal spring water during Antiquity.
12h10 P. Cressier, CNRS, UMR 5648
Health or pleasure: the use of curative thermal baths in al-Andalus
12:50 Pause
14:30 D. Boisseuil, Université de Tours
Thermal cures in late medieval and early 16th-century Italy
15h10 J. Coste, Université Paris Descartes - EPHE
Medicine and thermalism in modern times: following practices and doctrinal plasticity
15h50 Coffee break
16h10 G. Piernas, Archives nationales du monde du travail
Documentary sources on military thermalism in France (17th-early20th centuries)
16h50 C. Carribon, Université de Bordeaux 3
The proper use of the "spa" in France (XIXth-earlyXXth century)