Published on 3 March 2025

Sophie Wierniezky - Portrait

On the occasion of International Women's Rights Day 2025

Could you briefly introduce yourself and tell us about your career ?

My career path began with an observation course in4th grade, when we spent a day in a company. It was this internship that was decisive for the rest of my professional career. I chose to spend this observation day at the École Polytechnique restoration workshop in Palaiseau. The day I spent in the restoration workshop interested me enormously, which is why I chose to do my one-week internship there, as requested by my3rd year class. During this week, I was able to discover the gilding bookbinder's craft, working with paper and leather, and it made me want to train for a job related to this work. So, after a seconde générale, I enrolled on a two yeartraining courseleading to a certificat d'aptitude professionnelle (C.A.P) in bookbinding and gilding.

Following this C.A.P., I obtained the "brevet des métiers d'arts" (bookbinding and gilding) and then the "diplôme des métiers d'arts". All in all, the training period to become a bookbinder and gilder, a " métier passion ", lasted six years.

Once graduated, things were not easy, as opportunities in this field were rare. After six months working as a gilder in a small family-run workshop in the provinces, I tried my hand at self-employment, but had very few orders and was soon forced to give up the business to take up food-related jobs. After three years, during which I held positions far removed from my initial training and my passion, I actively sought a position and was offered the opportunity, onJuly 1 2021, to be recruited at the Collège de France as a bookbinder in the Bibliothèques Archives et Collections department.

What are your main responsibilities at Collège de France ?

As a bookbinder at the Collège de France, I carry out all stages of bookbinding, based on the aesthetic and functional requirements of requests from theinstitution'stwelve libraries. I also restore books. I work alone in a workshop located on the Cardinale-Lemoine - Institute of Civilizations site.

In concrete terms, every month I receive orders from two libraries, and together we choose the materials I'm going to work on for the bindings or restorations requested.

Last but not least, I am also called upon by my superiors to help with the installation of exhibitions, in particular to create supports for the books and objects on display.

Tell us about a highlight in your professional career

Without hesitation, I think of my first exhibition installation, " Le papyrus dans tous ses États, de Cléopâtre à Clovis ", at the Collège de France, for which I was asked to create a support for the small medallions on display, as well as " interfaces "protectionbetween the support and the works on display.

Another highlight of my training was when I took part in the Meilleurs Apprentis de France (Best Apprentices of France) competition, for which I was awarded the silver medal in the Paris department, the highest national mark that year. And I'm very proud of that !

Have you encountered any obstacles in your career, and how did you overcome them ?

I did come up against an obstacle during an internship as part of my professional training. I came up against an internship supervisor who made sexist comments like " You're no good at anything... You're not strong enough to use our tools ".

It was a difficult and discouraging period, during which I questioned my career choices. For a long time, bookbinding had been a male-dominated profession. Women only did sewing. Today, there's a different trend, as the trade is more feminine than masculine.

Looking back, I think this experience forged my character and reaffirmed my desire to pursue this path. Today, I work in a profession I'm passionate about, and I'm glad I didn't give up on pursuing this path.

What advice would you give to people wishing to work in research support ?

In my opinion, whatever sector of activity you work in, you have to give yourself the means to achieve your goals " if you want to, you can ".

As far as the research world is concerned, I think the advice I can give to people wishing to work in it is above all to be curious !