Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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The Diplomacy & Health initiative, launched in New York in September 2006 by the foreign ministers of Norway and France, and by the foreign ministers of South Africa, Brazil, Indonesia and Senegal, was formalized in the Oslo Ministerial Declaration of March 20, 2007, which calls for international health to be considered a major foreign policy issue.
It reflects the growing awareness in foreign policy and diplomacy of the challenges posed by global health, particularly in the first decade of the 21st century, and calls for global health to be a full-fledged issue of diplomacy and foreign policy based on the questions of our time.
The Oslo process gained prominence in large part by harnessing and attempting to continue this momentum through the initiative's strategic action. It acted, for example, as a catalyst for the adoption of resolutions on foreign policy and global health by the United Nations General Assembly.

Gustavo Gonzalez-Canali

Dr. Gustavo Gonzalez-Canali was Deputy Director for Health and Human Development in the Global Public Goods Division of the General Directorate for Globalization, Development and Partnerships at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he was also in charge of the Health Unit and Special Health Advisor since 2007. He was advisor to the cabinet of the French Minister for Cooperation, Development and Francophony. A hospital physician at the Georges Pompidou European Hospital in the Clinical Immunology Department, he was also involved in the AIDS vaccine trials conducted by the French AIDS and Hepatitis Agency (ANRS). He was head of department and medical director of Professor Luc Montagnier's HIV bio-clinical research center at Saint-Joseph Hospital in Paris. A former associate clinical director at universities, he was responsible for consultations at the Institut Pasteur hospital. Dr Gustavo Gonzalez-Canali is a board member representing the France/Luxembourg/Europe/Germany Commission of donor governments at the GAVI Alliance, a full board member of the Global Partnership for Newborn, Maternal and Child Health, and an alternate board member for France at the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Since 2007, he has represented France on the expert group of the Diplomacy and Health initiative. A specialist in internal medicine, Dr Gonzalez-Canali studied medicine in Uruguay and France.


Gustavo Gonzalez-Canali

Ministry of Foreign Affairs