Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Paolo Vineis

Paolo Vineis is Chair of Environmental Epidemiology at Imperial College London and Visiting Scientist at the Italian Institute of Technology (Genova). He is a leading researcher in the field of molecular epidemiology and his latest research focuses on environmental exposures and intermediate markers from omic platforms in large epidemiological studies. He also investigates the effects of climate change on non-communicable diseases. Paolo Vineis is coordinator of the European Commission funded Exposomics (on air pollution) and Lifepath (H2020, on socio-economic inequalities and ageing) projects, both based on the development of omic technologies, and is a principal investigator or co-investigator of numerous international projects. He has more than 1,000 publications in journals such as Nature, Science, Lancet, and Lancet Oncology (H-index 138). He is the author of Health without Borders. Epidemics in the Era of Globalization, Springer 2017.


Paolo Vineis

Imperial College London
