Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all

A digitized 3D model takes the form of a set of surface samples that require intensive processing before they can be used. However, even the most advanced processing provides only a low-level representation, lacking the high-level structuring required for most applications.

In this seminar, I will present our recent advances in geometric analysis, introducing several complementary methods for extracting the missing structuring. I'll start by discussing spatial analysis and a new approach to extreme shape approximation, applied to interactive design. Next, I'll explain how statistical analysis can play a major role in surface processing and modeling. Finally, I will present a new framework for mathematical morphology, designed to be applied directly to 3D sample clouds and offering powerful geometric and topological primitives.


Tamy Boubekeur

Télécom ParisTech