Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all

Freehand sketches are ubiquitous in product design, from the birth of an idea to its realization as a 3D concept. In this seminar, I will present three algorithms for estimating 3D shapes from design sketches. Two of these algorithms generate normals that enable the calculation of shading in the design, taking as input either vector or bitmap drawings. The third algorithm estimates a complete 3D model through selective regularization, correcting drawing errors where context permits. All these projects follow a common methodology. First, we study how designers draw and how their drawings are perceived. We then refine our observations using knowledge of differential geometry to formulate the mathematical properties of the curves drawn. These properties enable the implementation of 3D reconstruction algorithms. Finally, we validate our results through perceptual studies and the comparison of our reconstructions with ground truths and 3D models created by artists.


Adrien Bousseau

Inria Sophia Antipolis