While his assimilation of repudiation to divorce aroused the displeasure of his disciples, Christ useda parable about the eunuchsto make himself understood, or rather obeyed (" comprenne qui pourra ") (Matthew, 1, 10-12). Those who are " bornlike this from their mother's womb " pose the problem of understanding intersex in ancient societies, and those " who have been made like this by men " that of the punishment of castration. But there are also those who, since Origen, " have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven ". Is this the case of clerics who have renounced the flesh ? Symbolic castration is a " combat of chastity " (Michel Foucault), which brings into play the categories of masculinity and virility. Eunuchs are thus the bearers of a theological enigma and a political secret that Europeans prefer to dismiss, in the far-off notion of Oriental despotism : this is how we follow Orcan, the black eunuch, to that tragic place par excellence, Bajazet's seraglio.