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From 2017 to 2020, she was a recipient of an INSPIRE-Marie Curie scholarship at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, where she defended a thesis in comparative literature on … People Morgane Thion Institut de Biologie de l'ENS (IBENS), Paris After her studies at the École normale supérieure, during which Morgane Thion specialized in neuroscience, she pursued her thesis at the Institut Curie in Sandrine Humbert's laboratory. There, she led an innovative research project on the fundamental … People Stefan Harmansa Postdoctoral fellow Collège de France, IBDM, Université d'Aix-Marseille and CNRS During his studies in biology at the University of Basel (Switzerland), Stefan Harmansa became interested in how size and shape are controlled in biological systems. He then joined Prof. Markus Affolter's team at the Biozentrum Basel for his PhD, during … People Pauline Guillemet ATER at the Collège de France, attached to the Prof. Patrick Boucheron Chair Pauline Guillemet has an agrégation in history and is currently preparing a thesis at Gustave-Eiffel University under the supervision of Frédéric Moret (Gustave-Eiffel University) and Étienne Anheim (EHESS). After teaching in secondary schools and at … People Thibault Lefeuvre Mathematician, CNRS research fellow Thibault Lefeuvre is a mathematician at Sorbonne University, CNRS research fellow and École Polytechnique alumnus. He studies dynamic systems of a chaotic nature and geometry using microlocal analysis, an analytical theory that seeks to describe, among … People Francesco Solinas Senior Lecturer, Chair of Comparative Literatures Since 2021, Francesco Solinas has held the Comparative Literatures chair held by Prof. William Marx. An art historian and art critic, he studied at the University of Pisa with Profs Roberto Paolo Ciardi and Paola Barocchi (1978-1983). In 1993, at the … People Peter Shi Doctoral student, ATER attached to the Chair of Written Culture in Late Antiquity and Byzantine Papyrology Peter Shi received his PhD in Classics from Stanford in 2022. His main research interests focus on Protobyzantine economic history, particularly through numismatic and papyrological sources. He is also exploring various topics in the field of digital … People Leonid Pastur Chief researcher, B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of Kharkiv, Ukraine Born in 1937 in the Vinnitsa region (Ukraine). Received his MS degree in applied physics from the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute in 1961, Kharkiv (Ukraine) and joined the Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Kharkiv (Ukraine) in the same … People Hiluf Berhe Woldeyohannes Archaeologist at the Collège de France, specialist in the Aksum civilization Archaeology of the Civilisation of Aksum, Ethiopia I am an archaeologist and received my doctoral degree from Toulouse University, Laboratoire TRACES , in December 2015. My dissertation entitled "Aksum (Ethiopia): An Inquiry into the State of … People Bernard Clist Independent archaeologist, specialist in Central Africa Bernard Clist, of French and British nationality, has been an archaeologist since 1982. He studies human occupation of Central Africa during the final Holocene. He took part in excavation campaigns in Cameroon (1983) and Zaire (1984), before directing … People Antoine Jacquet Researcher attached to the Mesopotamian Civilization Chair (Dominique Charpin) Antoine Jacquet defended his thesis at the University of Paris 1 in 2007, from which he drew material for a book entitled Florilegium Marianum XII. Documents relatifs aux dépenses pour le culte , Mémoires de NABU 13 (Paris, 2011). From the outset (2008), … People Alessandro Pasqui PhD student, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) I am a PhD student in the H. Turlier lab "Multiscale Physics of Morphogenesis" at the CIRB at Collège de France. I am part of the AI4theSciences doctoral program at Université PSL, supported and co-funded by the European program Horizon 2020 Marie … People Ghislain de Labbey PhD student, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) I work on the actomyosin cortex. I use statistical physics and numerical simulations to study how its structure, rheological and contractile properties emerge from molecular … People Sacha Ichbiah PhD student, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) After training as an engineer at the École Polytechnique, Sacha Ichbiah joined Hervé Turlier's team as a PhD student, co-supervised by Professor Jean-François Joanny. He is interested in transdisciplinary issues, at the frontier between biology, physics … People Eric Neiva Researcher, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) I'm a postdoctoral researcher in Hervé Turlier's research group on the multi-scale physics of morphogenesis at the Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Biologie (CIRB). How do cells form embryos ? I help biologists and physicists to clarify this … People Rose Bulteau PhD student, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) / Analysis, Modelling, Materials for Biology and the Environment Laboratory, LAMBE (CNRS UMR8587) Rose Bulteau graduated from the "Ecole Normale Supérieure d'Agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires" in 2020 with a bachelor's degree in molecular biology. She worked on fish oogenesis during her Master 2 internship in the URAFPA (Unité de Recherche … People Noemi Zollo PhD student, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) Noemi Zollo obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnologies (Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale) and an international Double Master Degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics (Università degli Studi di Padova & Université Paris Cité). She started … People Christelle Da Silva Laboratory Technician, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) After passing the CNRS external biology technician competitive examination in 2016, Christelle Da Silva joined the Oocyte Mechanics and Morphogenesis team co-directed by Marie-Hélène Verlhac and Marie-Emilie Terret at the Centre Interdisciplinaire de … People Catriona Munro Researcher, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) I completed my PhD at Brown University, where I worked on the evolution and development of siphonophores. After completing my PhD, at the end of 2018 I joined Jean-René Huynh's team where I work on meiosis in the jellyfish Clytia … People Adel Al Jord Alumni (2015-2023), Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) After training at the Dermatology Department of New York University, Adel Al Jord joined the Biology Institute of the Ecole Normale Supérieure for his PhD and early post-doctoral work in Cell & Developmental Biology. His research established mechanisms … People Thomas Rubin Researcher, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) - CRCN INSERM After studying Biology in France, I did my PhD in Genetics and Cellular Biology, characterizing the Roles of PcG and trxG complexes in morphogenesis and programmed cell death in the team of Pr. Laurent Théodore, UVSQ (2003-2008). Following my PhD, I moved … People Maria Almonacid Researcher, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) - CRCN CNRS Dr Maria Almonacid is a permanent CNRS researcher at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB), Collège de France, Paris, France. She obtained her PhD in 2010 under the supervision of Anne Paoletti at Institut Curie, Paris. She then … Pagination First page Previous page … Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Current page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 … Next page Last page
People Aude Bernheim Microbiology and genetics researcher, Inserm Aude Bernheim is a researcher in microbiology and genetics and head of the " Molecular diversity of microbes " team within Inserm's " Evolution and engineering of dynamic systems " unit. Born in 1989, Aude Bernheim had a late but brilliant scientific …
People Charles Bertucci Researcher, CNRS Charles Bertucci is a CNRS research fellow, who joined the CNRS in 2019 after completing his thesis at Université Paris-Dauphine, under the supervision of Pierre-Louis Lions. His research focuses on mean-field game theory, optimization and the analysis of …
People Matilde Manara Matilde Manara studied modern literature at the University of Siena. From 2017 to 2020, she was a recipient of an INSPIRE-Marie Curie scholarship at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, where she defended a thesis in comparative literature on …
People Morgane Thion Institut de Biologie de l'ENS (IBENS), Paris After her studies at the École normale supérieure, during which Morgane Thion specialized in neuroscience, she pursued her thesis at the Institut Curie in Sandrine Humbert's laboratory. There, she led an innovative research project on the fundamental …
People Stefan Harmansa Postdoctoral fellow Collège de France, IBDM, Université d'Aix-Marseille and CNRS During his studies in biology at the University of Basel (Switzerland), Stefan Harmansa became interested in how size and shape are controlled in biological systems. He then joined Prof. Markus Affolter's team at the Biozentrum Basel for his PhD, during …
People Pauline Guillemet ATER at the Collège de France, attached to the Prof. Patrick Boucheron Chair Pauline Guillemet has an agrégation in history and is currently preparing a thesis at Gustave-Eiffel University under the supervision of Frédéric Moret (Gustave-Eiffel University) and Étienne Anheim (EHESS). After teaching in secondary schools and at …
People Thibault Lefeuvre Mathematician, CNRS research fellow Thibault Lefeuvre is a mathematician at Sorbonne University, CNRS research fellow and École Polytechnique alumnus. He studies dynamic systems of a chaotic nature and geometry using microlocal analysis, an analytical theory that seeks to describe, among …
People Francesco Solinas Senior Lecturer, Chair of Comparative Literatures Since 2021, Francesco Solinas has held the Comparative Literatures chair held by Prof. William Marx. An art historian and art critic, he studied at the University of Pisa with Profs Roberto Paolo Ciardi and Paola Barocchi (1978-1983). In 1993, at the …
People Peter Shi Doctoral student, ATER attached to the Chair of Written Culture in Late Antiquity and Byzantine Papyrology Peter Shi received his PhD in Classics from Stanford in 2022. His main research interests focus on Protobyzantine economic history, particularly through numismatic and papyrological sources. He is also exploring various topics in the field of digital …
People Leonid Pastur Chief researcher, B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of Kharkiv, Ukraine Born in 1937 in the Vinnitsa region (Ukraine). Received his MS degree in applied physics from the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute in 1961, Kharkiv (Ukraine) and joined the Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Kharkiv (Ukraine) in the same …
People Hiluf Berhe Woldeyohannes Archaeologist at the Collège de France, specialist in the Aksum civilization Archaeology of the Civilisation of Aksum, Ethiopia I am an archaeologist and received my doctoral degree from Toulouse University, Laboratoire TRACES , in December 2015. My dissertation entitled "Aksum (Ethiopia): An Inquiry into the State of …
People Bernard Clist Independent archaeologist, specialist in Central Africa Bernard Clist, of French and British nationality, has been an archaeologist since 1982. He studies human occupation of Central Africa during the final Holocene. He took part in excavation campaigns in Cameroon (1983) and Zaire (1984), before directing …
People Antoine Jacquet Researcher attached to the Mesopotamian Civilization Chair (Dominique Charpin) Antoine Jacquet defended his thesis at the University of Paris 1 in 2007, from which he drew material for a book entitled Florilegium Marianum XII. Documents relatifs aux dépenses pour le culte , Mémoires de NABU 13 (Paris, 2011). From the outset (2008), …
People Alessandro Pasqui PhD student, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) I am a PhD student in the H. Turlier lab "Multiscale Physics of Morphogenesis" at the CIRB at Collège de France. I am part of the AI4theSciences doctoral program at Université PSL, supported and co-funded by the European program Horizon 2020 Marie …
People Ghislain de Labbey PhD student, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) I work on the actomyosin cortex. I use statistical physics and numerical simulations to study how its structure, rheological and contractile properties emerge from molecular …
People Sacha Ichbiah PhD student, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) After training as an engineer at the École Polytechnique, Sacha Ichbiah joined Hervé Turlier's team as a PhD student, co-supervised by Professor Jean-François Joanny. He is interested in transdisciplinary issues, at the frontier between biology, physics …
People Eric Neiva Researcher, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) I'm a postdoctoral researcher in Hervé Turlier's research group on the multi-scale physics of morphogenesis at the Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Biologie (CIRB). How do cells form embryos ? I help biologists and physicists to clarify this …
People Rose Bulteau PhD student, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) / Analysis, Modelling, Materials for Biology and the Environment Laboratory, LAMBE (CNRS UMR8587) Rose Bulteau graduated from the "Ecole Normale Supérieure d'Agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires" in 2020 with a bachelor's degree in molecular biology. She worked on fish oogenesis during her Master 2 internship in the URAFPA (Unité de Recherche …
People Noemi Zollo PhD student, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) Noemi Zollo obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnologies (Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale) and an international Double Master Degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics (Università degli Studi di Padova & Université Paris Cité). She started …
People Christelle Da Silva Laboratory Technician, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) After passing the CNRS external biology technician competitive examination in 2016, Christelle Da Silva joined the Oocyte Mechanics and Morphogenesis team co-directed by Marie-Hélène Verlhac and Marie-Emilie Terret at the Centre Interdisciplinaire de …
People Catriona Munro Researcher, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) I completed my PhD at Brown University, where I worked on the evolution and development of siphonophores. After completing my PhD, at the end of 2018 I joined Jean-René Huynh's team where I work on meiosis in the jellyfish Clytia …
People Adel Al Jord Alumni (2015-2023), Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) After training at the Dermatology Department of New York University, Adel Al Jord joined the Biology Institute of the Ecole Normale Supérieure for his PhD and early post-doctoral work in Cell & Developmental Biology. His research established mechanisms …
People Thomas Rubin Researcher, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) - CRCN INSERM After studying Biology in France, I did my PhD in Genetics and Cellular Biology, characterizing the Roles of PcG and trxG complexes in morphogenesis and programmed cell death in the team of Pr. Laurent Théodore, UVSQ (2003-2008). Following my PhD, I moved …
People Maria Almonacid Researcher, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB) - CRCN CNRS Dr Maria Almonacid is a permanent CNRS researcher at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB), Collège de France, Paris, France. She obtained her PhD in 2010 under the supervision of Anne Paoletti at Institut Curie, Paris. She then …