
Thibault Lefeuvre is a mathematician at Sorbonne University, a CNRS research fellow and an alumnus of the École Polytechnique. He studies dynamic systems of a chaotic nature and geometry using microlocal analysis, an analytical theory that seeks to describe, among other things, the singularities of solutions of partial differential equations that can appear in physics. His thesis work was awarded the Prix de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris. He is also the author of popular science articles, as well as a book for preparatory classes. Also a writer, his first novel, Éducation tropicale, was published by Gallimard and awarded the Albert-Bernard 2018 prize.

Thibault Lefeuvre is the winner of the Claude-Antoine Peccot Prize for the year 2022-2023, proposed by Pr Nalini Anantharaman, Spectral Geometry Chair.