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His research focuses on the constitution of local pantheons and the functions of superhuman entities … People Mieke Bal Visiting Professor, Collège de France After the baccalaureate in classical high school in the Netherlands, I studied French language, literature and civilization. Then, during a few years teaching at a secondary teacher training college, I wrote my doctoral thesis on narrative theory, … People Laurence Boisson de Chazournes Professor at the University of Geneva and Visiting Professor, Collège de France Laurence Boisson de Chazournes is Professor of International Law and the Law of International Organizations at the University of Geneva, where she heads the Geneva LLM. in International Dispute Settlement (MIDS). She is also Director of the Geneva Water … People Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo Director of Research at the CNRS, Associate Professor at the École Polytechnique, Visiting Professor at the Collège de France Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo, a former student at the École normale supérieure and agrégée in life and earth sciences, is a research director at the CNRS, head of a research team at the Institut Jacques Monod in Paris, lecturer at the École polytechnique, … People Mathilde Touvier Director of Research at Inserm, Visiting Professor at the Collège de France Mathilde Touvier is Director of Research at Inserm, and Principal Investigator of the NutriNet-Santé cohort. She is a graduate of AgroParisTech and holds a doctorate in epidemiology and public health. After six years at the Agence française de sécurité … People Nalini Anantharaman Professor at the Collège de France Nalini Anantharaman was born in 1976 and grew up in Orléans. She studied mathematics at the École normale supérieure (Paris) and the Université Paris-Sud. After obtaining a doctorate at the University of Paris 6 in 2000 under the supervision of François … People Antoine Lilti Professor at the Collège de France Antoine Lilti was born in 1972. A graduate of the École normale supérieure and agrégé d'histoire, he defended his dissertation in 2003 at the Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, under the supervision of Daniel Roche: "Le Monde des salons. Sociabilité et … People Manfred Lesgourgues Scientific associate, Collège de France With doctorates from the Universities of Paris-Nanterre and Montreal (2019), a diploma in Ancient Sciences with a minor in archaeology from the École normale supérieure de la rue d'Ulm (2014) and an agrégation in Classics (2012), Manfred Lesgourgues … People Ginevra Benedetti Postdoctoral researcher, Collège de France With a Master's degree in Classical Languages and Literatures, Ginevra Benedetti will graduate in the spring of 2022, as part of a cotutelle between the University of Pisa and the Université Toulouse-Jean-Jaurès. In her thesis, she studied the divine … People Luca Lorenzon Doctoral student at the F.R.S.-FNRS, University of Liège Luca Lorenzon graduated in Classical Languages and Letters in 2019. He is currently preparing a doctoral thesis at the University of Liège under the joint supervision of Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge (ULiège - Collège de France) and Stefano Caneva (Università … People Daniel Alves Dalla Corte Research Engineer, Chemistry of Materials and Energy Laboratory Research Interests: Electrode materials Metal-ion and metal-air batteries In situ characterization Surface treatments Education: Engineering diploma in Metallurgy of UFRGS (Porto Alegre, Brazil) Master in Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion UPJV ( … People Alexis Grimaud Researcher, Chemistry of Materials and Energy Laboratory Education : Engineering diploma Graduate School of Chemistry and Physics of Bordeaux (ENSCBP) 2008 PhD University Bordeaux, Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry (ICMCB) 2011 Professional appointment: 2014-present: CNRS Research Assistant, … People Gwenaëlle Rousse Researcher at the Chemistry of Materials and Energy Laboratory Research interests: Solid State Chemistry Oxides Crystallochemistry Magnetism, magnetic structures Neutron and X-Ray powder diffraction Education: Engineer ESPCI (1997) PhD - Orsay University (2000) Research Habilitation (HDR) - UPMC (2012) Professional … People Alexei Ourjoumtsev Researcher, Young teams at the Institute of Physics Principal Investigator, Quantum Photonics. Our team's research focuses on quantum engineering of light. We experimentally test new methods to generate non-classical light states for precision measurements, we develop logic gates acting on photonic quantum … People Çağlar Girit Researcher, Young teams at the Institut de Physique Çağlar Girit obtained his B.Sc. from MIT (2003) and his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley (2010) under advisor Prof. Alex Zettl. He was a postdoctoral researcher in the Quantronics Group at CEA-Saclay from 2010 to 2014. He is recipient of a National Science … People Michel Brune Research Director, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel Director of the Jeunes équipes unit at the Institut de Physique du Collège de France - UAR 3573. … People Marco Schiro Researcher, Young teams at the Institut de Physique I'm a theoretical physicist working in the field of quantum condensed matter, statistical physics and quantum simulations of atomic and quantum optical systems. I obtained my PhD in 2010 at SISSA, Trieste where I studied non equilibrium dynamics of … People Benoît Fauqué Researcher, Young teams at the Institut de Physique Principal Investigator, Quantum Matter under Magnetic Field project. The IPCF Quantum Matter under magnetic field group is interested in electronic properties of dilute metals in the presence of a magnetic field. Under the effect of the magnetic field, … People Antoine Joux Visiting Professor, Collège de France Formerly a DGA engineer, then scientific deputy director at the DCSSI (now ANSSI), part-time professor at the University of Versailles - Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and holder of the Cryptology Chair of the Sorbonne University Foundation, Antoine Joux is … People Marc Toutant Researcher at the Center for Ottoman Studies, CNRS researcher, lecturer at Inalco After defending a thesis on imitation in Timurid culture in 2013 (IISMM prize for best thesis awarded in 2016) and holding postdoctoral positions at the Free University of Amsterdam (VU, 2014-2015), the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA, … People Elif Becan Researcher at the Center for Ottoman Studies Following her training in political science at Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Elif Becan obtained her master's degree in " History and civilization ". In January 2021, she defended her thesis entitled Une familière étrangeté. L'accueil des musulmans … People Hélène Morlier Editorial secretary, Center for Ottoman Studies Editorial secretary for the journals Turcica , European Journal of Turkish Studies (EJTS) and the monographs in the Meydan collection. With a DEA in Art History and Archaeology, I worked for various private publishers before joining the CNRS through an … People Alexandre Papas Director of the Center for Ottoman Studies Director of the Center for Ottoman Studies at the Collège de France Research Director, CNRS Director of Studies, EPHE Born in 1973, Alexandre Papas is a historian of the Turkish world and Muslim mysticism, with degrees in philosophy from Université Paris … Pagination First page Previous page … Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Current page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 … Next page Last page
People Louis Hill ATER, Collège de France Doctoral student at Sciences Po law school since September 2018, Louis Hill is writing a thesis in private law in the form of a critical study of legal evolutionism under the supervision of Pr Sébastien Pimont. Louis Hill holds a master's degree in …
People Elie Piette Doctoral student, University of Liège With a degree in classical languages and literature, Elie Piette has been preparing a doctoral thesis at the University of Liège since January 2020. His research focuses on the constitution of local pantheons and the functions of superhuman entities …
People Mieke Bal Visiting Professor, Collège de France After the baccalaureate in classical high school in the Netherlands, I studied French language, literature and civilization. Then, during a few years teaching at a secondary teacher training college, I wrote my doctoral thesis on narrative theory, …
People Laurence Boisson de Chazournes Professor at the University of Geneva and Visiting Professor, Collège de France Laurence Boisson de Chazournes is Professor of International Law and the Law of International Organizations at the University of Geneva, where she heads the Geneva LLM. in International Dispute Settlement (MIDS). She is also Director of the Geneva Water …
People Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo Director of Research at the CNRS, Associate Professor at the École Polytechnique, Visiting Professor at the Collège de France Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo, a former student at the École normale supérieure and agrégée in life and earth sciences, is a research director at the CNRS, head of a research team at the Institut Jacques Monod in Paris, lecturer at the École polytechnique, …
People Mathilde Touvier Director of Research at Inserm, Visiting Professor at the Collège de France Mathilde Touvier is Director of Research at Inserm, and Principal Investigator of the NutriNet-Santé cohort. She is a graduate of AgroParisTech and holds a doctorate in epidemiology and public health. After six years at the Agence française de sécurité …
People Nalini Anantharaman Professor at the Collège de France Nalini Anantharaman was born in 1976 and grew up in Orléans. She studied mathematics at the École normale supérieure (Paris) and the Université Paris-Sud. After obtaining a doctorate at the University of Paris 6 in 2000 under the supervision of François …
People Antoine Lilti Professor at the Collège de France Antoine Lilti was born in 1972. A graduate of the École normale supérieure and agrégé d'histoire, he defended his dissertation in 2003 at the Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, under the supervision of Daniel Roche: "Le Monde des salons. Sociabilité et …
People Manfred Lesgourgues Scientific associate, Collège de France With doctorates from the Universities of Paris-Nanterre and Montreal (2019), a diploma in Ancient Sciences with a minor in archaeology from the École normale supérieure de la rue d'Ulm (2014) and an agrégation in Classics (2012), Manfred Lesgourgues …
People Ginevra Benedetti Postdoctoral researcher, Collège de France With a Master's degree in Classical Languages and Literatures, Ginevra Benedetti will graduate in the spring of 2022, as part of a cotutelle between the University of Pisa and the Université Toulouse-Jean-Jaurès. In her thesis, she studied the divine …
People Luca Lorenzon Doctoral student at the F.R.S.-FNRS, University of Liège Luca Lorenzon graduated in Classical Languages and Letters in 2019. He is currently preparing a doctoral thesis at the University of Liège under the joint supervision of Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge (ULiège - Collège de France) and Stefano Caneva (Università …
People Daniel Alves Dalla Corte Research Engineer, Chemistry of Materials and Energy Laboratory Research Interests: Electrode materials Metal-ion and metal-air batteries In situ characterization Surface treatments Education: Engineering diploma in Metallurgy of UFRGS (Porto Alegre, Brazil) Master in Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion UPJV ( …
People Alexis Grimaud Researcher, Chemistry of Materials and Energy Laboratory Education : Engineering diploma Graduate School of Chemistry and Physics of Bordeaux (ENSCBP) 2008 PhD University Bordeaux, Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry (ICMCB) 2011 Professional appointment: 2014-present: CNRS Research Assistant, …
People Gwenaëlle Rousse Researcher at the Chemistry of Materials and Energy Laboratory Research interests: Solid State Chemistry Oxides Crystallochemistry Magnetism, magnetic structures Neutron and X-Ray powder diffraction Education: Engineer ESPCI (1997) PhD - Orsay University (2000) Research Habilitation (HDR) - UPMC (2012) Professional …
People Alexei Ourjoumtsev Researcher, Young teams at the Institute of Physics Principal Investigator, Quantum Photonics. Our team's research focuses on quantum engineering of light. We experimentally test new methods to generate non-classical light states for precision measurements, we develop logic gates acting on photonic quantum …
People Çağlar Girit Researcher, Young teams at the Institut de Physique Çağlar Girit obtained his B.Sc. from MIT (2003) and his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley (2010) under advisor Prof. Alex Zettl. He was a postdoctoral researcher in the Quantronics Group at CEA-Saclay from 2010 to 2014. He is recipient of a National Science …
People Michel Brune Research Director, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel Director of the Jeunes équipes unit at the Institut de Physique du Collège de France - UAR 3573. …
People Marco Schiro Researcher, Young teams at the Institut de Physique I'm a theoretical physicist working in the field of quantum condensed matter, statistical physics and quantum simulations of atomic and quantum optical systems. I obtained my PhD in 2010 at SISSA, Trieste where I studied non equilibrium dynamics of …
People Benoît Fauqué Researcher, Young teams at the Institut de Physique Principal Investigator, Quantum Matter under Magnetic Field project. The IPCF Quantum Matter under magnetic field group is interested in electronic properties of dilute metals in the presence of a magnetic field. Under the effect of the magnetic field, …
People Antoine Joux Visiting Professor, Collège de France Formerly a DGA engineer, then scientific deputy director at the DCSSI (now ANSSI), part-time professor at the University of Versailles - Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and holder of the Cryptology Chair of the Sorbonne University Foundation, Antoine Joux is …
People Marc Toutant Researcher at the Center for Ottoman Studies, CNRS researcher, lecturer at Inalco After defending a thesis on imitation in Timurid culture in 2013 (IISMM prize for best thesis awarded in 2016) and holding postdoctoral positions at the Free University of Amsterdam (VU, 2014-2015), the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA, …
People Elif Becan Researcher at the Center for Ottoman Studies Following her training in political science at Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Elif Becan obtained her master's degree in " History and civilization ". In January 2021, she defended her thesis entitled Une familière étrangeté. L'accueil des musulmans …
People Hélène Morlier Editorial secretary, Center for Ottoman Studies Editorial secretary for the journals Turcica , European Journal of Turkish Studies (EJTS) and the monographs in the Meydan collection. With a DEA in Art History and Archaeology, I worked for various private publishers before joining the CNRS through an …
People Alexandre Papas Director of the Center for Ottoman Studies Director of the Center for Ottoman Studies at the Collège de France Research Director, CNRS Director of Studies, EPHE Born in 1973, Alexandre Papas is a historian of the Turkish world and Muslim mysticism, with degrees in philosophy from Université Paris …