After her thesis at Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University and IFPEN on the separation of xylenes in zeolites, Caroline Mellot-Draznieks pursued her research as an R&D engineer at Air Liquide (Jouy-en-Josas) on the study of non-cryogenic air separation processes. She then decided to move into academic research. Following a first postdoctoral stay in the United States (University of California, Santa Barbara) in the group of Pr A. K. Cheetham's group, she completed a second postdoctoral stay with Pr G. Férey's group at the Lavoisier Institute (Versailles), which she joined in 1998 as a CNRS researcher. She played an active role in the discovery of hybrid materials such as MOFs (Metal-Organic-Frameworks), for which she developed simulation and structural resolution methods. She continued to work on MOF simulation at University College London between 2005 and 2011, winning an EPSRC Fellowship, before joining the LCPB at Collège de France in 2012. Since then, she has been developing her research activity in the field of nanoporous materials (MOFs, Cat@MOFs, POM@MOFs) as scalable platforms for the photocatalytic reduction ofCO2. One of the aims is to develop strategies for designing heterogeneous photosystems and understanding structure-property relationships by combining experimental and theoretical approaches.

Caroline Mellot-Draznieks
CNRS Research Director, Chemistry of Biological Processes Laboratory