Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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There is, and can be, no contradiction between literary and archaeological sources. On the contrary, the latter contribute to a better understanding or enhancement of the texts. Here are just a few examples, before focusing on two   :

  • Avienus, Periegesis, 393 sq, which describes the hills of Picenum covered with shrubby vines, as seen from the sea, and would have given importance to the wines of this region long before workshop excavations brought them to light.
  • Cassiodorus, Variae, XII, 12. A letter in which Cassiodorus instructs the governor of Bruttium to send Theodoric some wine named Palmatianum, which he praises most highly. This is the period and region of origin of the Keay LII amphorae, and they certainly contained, among other things, this excellent wine.


André Tchernia

Emeritus Director of Studies, EHESS Marseille