Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Numerous studies carried out in recent years on wine production and distribution in Hispania Tarraconensis confirm the existence of a large number of wineries and major wine amphora manufacturing centers, located mainly in the Mediterranean zone of Tarraconensis, especially in Leetania. Ancient Leetania was located on the Catalan coast, around the Republican foundations of Baetulo and Iluro. The large number of Pascual 1-type wine amphora workshops found in these towns and their territories have enabled numerous studies to be carried out on their production and distribution. The most important period for the production and export of wine from Leetania can be dated from the time of Augustus to the first decades of the 1st century AD, when Baetulo wine filled the markets of Gaul.


Montserrat Comas

archaeologist at the Badalona Museum

Pepita Padrós

archaeologist, Badalona Museum