Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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In her reflections on colonization, Simone Weil contrasts France's narrative of itself for itself with the way it is viewed by the world under its imperial yoke. In her Écrits historiques et politiques, she writes that " from the decentralized position offered by the Empire (...) France is not, in the eyes of most of her subjects, the democratic, just and generous nation that she is in the eyes of so many French people, average and otherwise ". My contribution explores, beyond this particular example presented by Simone Weil, the view of Europe more generally from " the off-center position " African, before posing the question of a future " axis " between a Europe that is inventing itself and an Africa today engaged in the refoundation of the pan-African ideal.


Souleymane Bachir Diagne isProfessor in the Departments of French and Philosophy atColumbiaUniversity , New York , where he also directs theInstitute ofAfricanStudies . His most recent books are : Philosopher en islam et en christianisme (with Philippe Capelle-Dumont), Paris, Cerf, 2016 ;En quête d'Afrique(s). Universalisme et pensée décoloniale (with Jean-Loup Amselle), Paris, Albin Michel, 2018 ;La Controverse. Dialogue sur l'islam (with Remi Brague), Paris, Stock, 2019 ;Le Fagot de ma mémoire, Paris, Philippe Rey, 2021. Souleymane Bachir Diagne isan associate member of theAcadémieroyale de Belgique and a member of theAmerican Academy of Arts and Sciences.


Souleymane Bachir Diagne

Columbia University, New York