Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Artificial intelligence was born in Europe, and many brilliant European minds have left their mark on its history, right up to the present day. So why is it so hard for Europe to prove its worth in this field ? Today, the star continent of AI remains America, whether in terms of development, media coverage or investment ; but Europe is also falling behind Asia in many respects. If the emergence of a European AI at the top remains a challenge, it's not just because of laziness, as the obstacles are real. The raw materials are there, but putting them to work will be a tour de force requiring the enhancement of both European diversity and unity. All this cultural and political fragmentation, on a scientific subject that is eminently cultural and political, works against Europe. And yet... let's imagine a scenario in which the very real strengths and progress of AI in Europe form the basis of a global boom. This thought experiment will be an opportunity to revisit a fascinating interdisciplinary subject with multiple ramifications. It will also be an opportunity to touch base with some of the most sensitive points in the organization of science in Europe, as well as its political governance.


Cédric Villani

National Assembly