Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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European defense needs to be reinvented. A double constraint has limited its development. On the one hand, France, which from the outset has been the bearer of a genuine political ambition for Europe, has consistently identified the creation of a defense Europe with the emergence of a political Europe . But this identification is reductive, if not false. Our European partners, on the other hand, have never lifted the taboo on giving NATO priority in defense matters. By rejecting the idea of a defense Europe, they have de facto rendered the project of a political Europe obsolete in the eyes of the French. We therefore need to reinvent : the sovereignty and autonomy of a political Europe obviously include a strategic capability, but they also cover other dimensions - digital, food, energy, industrial, health, etc. At a time of pandemics and globalization in crisis, defense cannot be the sole condition for European sovereignty.


Nicole Gnesotto is Professor of European Union Studies at the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM), Vice-President of the Institut Jacques Delors and member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Grands enjeux stratégiques contemporains Chair at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Nicole Gnesotto, who holds an agrégation in literature, was deputy head of the Center for Analysis and Forecasting at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, director of the European Union Institute for Security Studies from 2001 to 2007, and a member of the Commission for the White Paper on Defense and National Security in 2014. She has published " Faut-il enterrer la défense européenne ? ", La Documentation française, 2014 ; " Où va le monde ? " with Pascal Lamy, Odile Jacob, 2017 ; " L'Europe indispensable ", CNRS Éditions, 2019.


Nicole Gnesotto

Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, Paris
