By studying the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the scale of a municipality in Seine-Saint-Denis, the poorest department in mainland France, we will examine the reproduction of social inequalities in health and the transformation of healthcare worlds in the face of crises. Firstly, we will analyze what the pandemic and the health crisis it spawned reveal about social inequalities in health and the organization of healthcare in relegated urban spaces; secondly, we will highlight the mutations this pandemic has provoked (or accelerated) in terms of the metropolitan government of health (Honta and Basson, 2017). We propose to understand the Covid-19 pandemic as a revelation of transformations in the urban figures of public health (Fassin, 1998), inviting us to decompartmentalize the crisis context to insert it into a longer chronology of the territorialization of the organization of care and of measures to combat social inequalities in health.