Amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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By studying the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the scale of a municipality in Seine-Saint-Denis, the poorest department in mainland France, we will examine the reproduction of social inequalities in health and the transformation of healthcare worlds in the face of crises. Firstly, we will analyze what the pandemic and the health crisis it spawned reveal about social inequalities in health and the organization of healthcare in relegated urban spaces; secondly, we will highlight the mutations this pandemic has provoked (or accelerated) in terms of the metropolitan government of health (Honta and Basson, 2017). We propose to understand the Covid-19 pandemic as a revelation of transformations in the urban figures of public health (Fassin, 1998), inviting us to decompartmentalize the crisis context to insert it into a longer chronology of the territorialization of the organization of care and of measures to combat social inequalities in health.

Laure Pitti

Laure Pitti

Laure Pitti, historian and sociologist, is Professor of Sociology at the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, researcher at the Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les enjeux sociaux, Fellow of the Institut Convergences Migrations and associate researcher at the Institut de recherche et documentation en économie de la santé (Irdes). Her work focuses on (post)colonial immigration in France, at the crossroads of a sociohistory of class relations and racialization; and on the metamorphoses of social medicine, based on surveys of general practice in working-class areas of France since the 1960s. She recently published Algériens au travail. Une histoire (post)coloniale (Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2025) and co-directs the multidisciplinary research program "Dynamiques alternatives dans le travail de soins primaires" (Dynatras, Irdes, 2025-2028), winner of the 2024 "Services, interventions et politiques favorables à la santé" call for projects from the Institut pour la recherche en santé publique (Iresp).


Laure Pitti

Professor of Sociology, Sorbonne Paris Nord University
