Amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Medical research has revealed an increase in pediatric cancers in many countries. While some suggest that this increase is linked to improved monitoring of children and diagnosis of their state of health, others point to major changes in the living environment, in particular the widespread distribution of toxic contaminants. Drawing on a sociological lecture currently in progress on the controversies surrounding the health effects of pesticides in the United States and France, the presentation will address the social and political issues surrounding these effects. In particular, it will highlight the difficulty of accurately documenting social inequalities in pesticide exposure.

Giovanni Prete

Giovani Prete portrait

Giovanni Prete conducts research into the social and political issues surrounding occupational and environmental health. He studies individual and collective mobilizations aimed at gaining recognition for the link between environmental and occupational exposures and health problems in different sectors of activity, in particular the agricultural sector. He is interested in the place of scientific knowledge and its circulation in different arenas (administrative, judicial, scientific) and in the use of law in mobilizations. He recently published (with Jean-Noël Jouzel) L'agriculture empoisonnée. Le long combat des victimes des pesticides (Presses de sciences po, 2024).


Giovanni Prete

Senior Lecturer, Iris, Sorbonne Paris Nord University
