Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
Open to all


There is no end to the gesture of creating, and yet we have to finish. To declare that here, at this moment, is to end. What's finished ? How do you recognize the final point ? How do you stop in time ? What bursts forth at the moment of mourning when we part from a work ? You have to be ruthless. Give up and walk away, nothing in your hands, nothing in your pockets. Using the last part of Sophocles' tragedy Ajax, and comparing the speeches of Agamemnon and Menelaus with the words of Ulysses, explore the question of freedom in the act of finishing.

Sophie Calle

Sophie Calle
Sophie Calle, Musée Picasso, July 2023. ©Yves-Géant.

Since the late 1970s, Sophie Calle has been described as a conceptual artist, photographer, video artist and even detective, and has been the subject of numerous exhibitions around the world. She has developed an instantly recognizable practice, combining text and photography to nourish a narrative that takes the form of a set of rules. In her rituals, she blurs the boundaries between the intimate and the public, reality and fiction, art and life, while leaving room for chance.


Sophie Calle

