Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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Some languages don't have an infinitive ; others put the subject at the end of their sentence ; still others have nothing to say about the verb to be. If we look at the Universe and its evolution as a language, would it be fairer to hear the language it speaks ? Or would it be fairer to read the text it writes ? And in either case, what would be its grammar ? And how do we read or hear ? What tools do we have at our disposal ? In what way can the mysteries surrounding the origin of this writing shed light on the reasons why writing is always shrouded in mystery ?

Étienne Parizot

Étienne Parizot

Astrophysicist, specialist in cosmic rays, multi-messenger astronomy and high-energy astrophysics, spokesperson for the JEM-EUSO international collaboration, dedicated to the study of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, having developed several missions aboard the International Space Station and stratospheric balloons (CNES, NASA, etc.).

Michel Cassé

Michel Cassé

Emeritus Research Director, CEA.

- Du vide et de la création (Odile Jacob)
- Du vide et de l'éternité (Odile Jacob)
- Conversation sur l'Invisible, with Jean-Claude Carrière and Jean Audouze (Belfond/Sciences)


Étienne Parizot

Astrophysicist at the APC Laboratory (Astroparticle and Cosmology), Professor at Université Paris Cité

Michel Cassé

