Amphithéâtre Maurice Halbwachs, Site Marcelin Berthelot
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In response to anthropogenic climate change, species migrate towards the poles and summits, while communities are enriched with more thermophilic species or become poorer in cryophilic species (cf. community thermophilization process). In my lecture, I will illustrate these changes in plant species and communities, with a particular focus on forest ecosystems, where delays in species and community response are observed. I will also discuss the importance of microclimatic processes in forests in explaining what appear to be lag dynamics.

Jonathan Lenoir

Jonathan Lenoir

I'm a CNRS research fellow in the Ecology and Dynamics of Anthropized Systems unit (EDYSAN) based at the Université de Picardie Jules-Verne in Amiens. I have a dual degree in forestry engineering and a doctorate in forestry science. My work deals with the impact of global change on biodiversity, with a particular focus on forest biodiversity.


Jonathan Lenoir

CNRS researcher
